US falls further behind: SSM in Nova Scotia

The supreme court of Nova Scotia ruled this morning that denying marriage to same-sex couples is a violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. With this ruling, Nova Scotia becomes the fifth Canadian province to legalize SSM (the Yukon Territory has also legalized it). Still pending is federal legislation to legalize SSM throughout the nation.

Congratulations again, Canadopers, for leading the way to enlightenment for all of North America.

Meanwhile, in the US, Oklahoma became the latest state to give in to blind terror at the thought of two people of the same sex pursuing happiness through marriage, with that state’s supreme court yesterday refusing to rule on the legality of that state’s plans to write anti-gay evil into its constitution.

Next time someone jokingly posts “why do you hate America?” in a thread, guess what my answer will be?

Good news indeed, although I still wish we could make it federal.

Then we can finally move on to the pot laws.

Yes well done Canada. Now if only this little Catholic rock I live on would do the same I’d be a little happier.

wipes tear from eye I’m so proud…I’ve got to go tell Evan.

Well, hello to Nova Scotia! :smiley:
