Used music store Dopers: A little help?

I’ve misplaced my Karl Zero Songs for Cabriolets and Otros Tipos de Vehiculos CD. I’ve found that the best way to find something is to buy a replacement. So I tried; but as you can see it’s OOP.

Do any of you frequent used music stores? Would you mind keeping an eye out for this CD for me?


I’m sorry I can’t help you with your quest but I applaud your clear thinking here.
Obviously there are only so many places for these types of objects to hide when we lose them. When we buy another one it tends to scare the first one out of its hiding place.

And you know, when I finally do find it it’s bound to be in the last place I look!

Gemm can sometimes be your friend - - but not in this case. It isn’t there.

Well no, once you’ve bought the replacement, you should have stopped looking


Ya know, I don’t usually have too much trouble finding a record or CD on the web. So I went to the usual places looking for this one. Nope. Then I went to the out-of-the-way places. Nope. So I went to Google and typed in the name. I stopped looking after I’d been to every link that wasn’t an mp3 site, on 20 freakin’ pages of Google hits. Apparently, there is not currently a single copy of this album for sale anywhere in the world. So good luck! One has to turn up somewhere, someday, but jeez! None? Anywhere? That’s pretty strange.

Luck? I was hoping there might be Dopers who go to used record stores (offline)! a friend of mine said she’d look in L.A. this weekend. I don’t know of any locally, nor in Seattle.

Fortunately I have my copy on iTunes and on my iPod. But I’d really like to find my CD or another copy. If I end up with two, then I have a friend who would like the spare.

Well, what I meant was, good luck finding it, you or anyone else, in a brick-and-mortar shop. It may happen, who knows. I just find it odd that a CD that’s only a few years old is not listed in stock on eBay,, amazon in the US, Canada, the UK, France or Germany, from any one of thousands of dealers who sell through, nor HMV in Canada or the UK, cduniverse, or any other place I looked. This is one scarce CD!

This happened to me once with a computer game (Master of Orion 2). I lost my CD from when I bought the game (at like $40 at the time) when it first came out, so I eventually bought the jewel case version off Amazon for like $5. Amusingly enough, they were two different versions with a few small changes–I think they were mostly in the point values for custom race creation. Then, of course, I found my original CD and found that I liked the earlier version better for my style of play.

Man, that thing is rare indeed from what fishbicycle has said. Do you at least have the music backed up in some format?

I have it on iTunes and on my iPod, and a copy of the iTunes files on a CD.