usedtobe, you fucking racist!

In the “What is your preferred method of payment?” thread, usedtobe drops this turd in:

What is your fucking problem? Can’t you disapprove of Obama’s performance as POTUS without using a racist word? This is 2016. That kind of shit isn’t supposed to fly any more. You either like him or you don’t. His race shouldn’t enter into your opinion of him as president. You’re entitled to your opinion, but there’s no reason to be crude about it.

I think that as in the case of another recent poster/post, he failed to use quote marks and a:rolleyes: to indicate that he’s referring to how a certain segment of the population explains their economic woes.

(“White Trash” OTOH apparentlt is his own words and uncalled for, as well)

It’s nice of you to read a whole different meaning into his words, but there are neither quotes nor :rolleyes:, so we have to assume the words speak for themselves.

Naw, if you’re going to drop the N-bomb as satire it’s on you to set it up properly. That was a fail. I don’t know this poster from Adam, so I have no knowledge to assess if they are racist, but as written, that is hella close.

And if he clarifies things as to what he meant vs what he said will all be well?

I have no dog in this fight. To be honest I don’t even have a fucking clue as to what this particular fight is about…

But I AM getting really fucking tired of one thing around here…that if somebody mispeaks/mistypes/says something off the cuff that the…

GOD DAMN fucking gotcha police are here to “protect and serve”

As **Sitnam **said, he’s still responsible from the start for making himself understood and if quoting, doing so clearly, 'cause you are supposed to be serious about the use of such language.

So, if someone accidentally says something ist/ic/whatever gets you folks around here riled up…they are guilty of being ist/ic/whatever?

Oops, I said something racist! :smack::mad:

The words speak for themselves in the absence of any other context. And there was nothing accidental about it. For whatever reason, he deliberately wrote “that ni**er in the White House.” If he was mocking particular people who really are bigoted about an African-American POTUS, he failed to make that clear.

But clearly, you’re drunkposting again, so I don’t expect you to make that distinction. Come back when you’re sober.

Goodness, instead of acting on knee jerk impulse, why don’t you try using your cognitive resources?

Try asking yourself these questions:

How long have they’ve been a member? Long time.

Recognize username?

If yes, has he ever pinged your radar as a racist?

If no, maybe just maybe give them the benefit of the doubt.

See my post just above yours.


Again, I am arguing from first principles so to speak…

Yeah if Usedtobe has danced up to the racist line a bunch of other times…and this is yet ANOTHER case of the same…well enuff said…

OTOH, if Usedtobe has not done so…well, calm the fuck down.

Obviously with such things YMMV.

My post still stands. And why would you deliberately want to take something out of context when you don’t have to? It sounds like willful ignorance on your part.

And please tell me how you know for a fact there was “nothing accidental about it”.

Are you a mind reader as well as willfully ignorant?

He got a mod note for it:

I know that’s meaningless to some of you, though. And the ignorance isn’t on my part. I’d say the ignorance belongs to usedtobe and anybody who is defending him.

I understand the distinction very clearly.

IFF he failed to failed to make his mocking clear…well that is bad. But, again, failure to do so makes him a shitty poster (in this particular instance)…it does NOT make him a friggin racist just because he mocked racists in a way that does not meet some standard of “this is how you mock racist thinking with (insert some standards that don’t actually exist)”

There is no finger slip that results in “that nier in the White House." It’s not like I meant to type Bob and ended up with boob. Spell check didn’t change a word. So obviously, "that nier in the White House.” is what was intended. Since all we have here is words (I can’t see air quotes or a shrug or a raised eyebrow) then it really is up to us to take responsibility for what we type. If what I type is open to multiple interpretations, then I should be looking for a better way to say it.

I can almost hear Mark Twain spinning in the grave as we speak.

Huck Finn was in another century. Welcome to the 21st.

That post deserves no benefit of the doubt. There’s no indication at all that it is ironic or sarcastic or characterizing someone else’s attitude. Maybe he made a mistake—it can happen on a text-only medium—but now that he has been called out, it’s up to him to explain himself.

If someone used this language in real life with no hint of irony would you give him the benefit of the doubt or would you require him to justify himself?

Neither. I’d walk away and have nothing more to say to him.