Yeah, that’s exactly what some doofus said when I answered the phone at my month old job at a gym.
Caller; Umm someone called me?
Me: Was it an employee or a club member
Caller: I don’t konw, it was just on my phone
Me: (???), our phone number was on your caller ID?
Caller: Well no, I called there and left a message for someone to call and they called and I don’t know who it was
Me: Do you know who you left the original message with?
Caller: Um, yeah, I think it was accounting, they called before wanting to know something about my bill (me thinking: probably if you were going to PAY it).
Me (knowledge dawning): would you like to be transferred to accounting?
Caller: well, you can’t tell me who called me?
Me thinking: (You want us to tell you who called you, when YOU don’t know who you even called in the first place?)
Me what I actually said: No ma’am, I’m the shift manager, I don’t have any way of knowing what department you might have left a message with, or who from that department might have returned your call, but if you think you left a message with accounting I can transfer you, and they can help you with your bill.
Caller: um, okay, if you don’t know who called me.
(what? I can read minds now? I don’t think there’d be much to read in YOURS even if I could).
So, I transfer her and start helping other club members. Then, the phone rings, I hear one of the regular front desk girls having almost the same exact conversation, on her end, that I’d just had not 5 seconds before.
She hangs up, and then another manager comes up to help me with some other stuff, the phone rings and then HE has the exact same conversation on his end as the front desk girl and I had just had.
Not only couldn’t this woman figure it out in the FIRST place, she couldn’t figure out how to stay on hold long enough to be helped or to leave a message to be called back, and Freaking REMEMBER who she’d called so as to deal with it when they DID.
Okay, people who hang up instead of apologizing when they dial a wrong number, mere seconds of not even quite annoyance.
People who are rude on the phone, yeah, kinda annoying, but sometimes a bit understandable, especially if they have a legitimate gripe. But, at least they MAKE SENSE and put two words together in a sentence and impart the general idea of their gripe!!! GAAAAh!!!
My number one pet peeve, people who canNOT seem to gather their thoughts enough to make sense. It’s as if they were never properly "signed off’ on the technological mystery that is the telephone.
AT LEAST learn the most basic tenets of communicating with others before attempting to navigate the vastly complicated tool that is the telephone. How much intelligence does it take to first: gather your thoughts, determine why you’re calling and with whom you’d like to speak. Second, put these thoughts into intelligent english. In the case of the lady above, something to the effect of:
Caller: may I speak with accounting? I believe they returned my call, but they didn’t leave a message, so i’ll start with them (she would have determined this by remembering that SHE had called US first, and WHY she’d called and WHO, before she actually returned the call).
Feel free to add and share your own phone rants/pet peeves here.