
Yay! I’m sixteen muniutes from vacation!

Well, not exactly; I have to go to an all-day meeting in Oakland in Thursday, but I don’t have to pay any attention when I’m there, so it’s practically a vacation anyway, plus catered Greek food. I plan to be tuckered anyway from going to my weekly Pub Quiz Wednesday night, so the whole morning will be a blur, anyway.

Friday, I’m flying to Ontario (the town vaguely near Los Angeles, not the province) to spend a week with friends living in Riverside, then I’m gonna drive back up with them the day before Thanksgiving. I work half a day on the 26th, and another half day on the 29th, so I have 13 days until my next 8-hour day. Sweet!

Catered Greek food? A nice enhancement.

You deserve a break. (I don’t know you, but I believe you deserve one anyhow.)

Have fun! Everybody needs to get out of San Francisco once in a while, if only to be reminded that the whole world isn’t like this!

And good luck with the pub quiz – remember, it’s not the answers that matter, it’s how drunk you’re able to get while trying to come up with the answers.

Woohoo! Mine is next week (vacation). Unfortunately I’m not doing a whole lot that’s exciting, but anything to get out of the office for a while!

I took vacation time last week (Nov. 11 to 14) since I don’t teach Thursdays and we had Friday off. There were quite a few teachers at the bed and breakfast where I stayed.

I also refer to it as “decompression time.” It really helps, especially during the last slog of a long semester.