I'm in a playful mood today

Most like because it’s Friday, and I’ve got vacation next week! Woohoo!

I’m not doing anything special, but I plan to spend time doing every single hobby I can. And my cucumber plants are growing like crazy, attacking the green beans so they need to be tied up. And I’ll spend some time at Lake George. And learn some new recipes. And read. And watch Batman: The Animated Series.

All in all, it’s going to be a GREAT week! So come and rejoice with me!

Well, I’m vaguely ill, and vaguely depressed, but hooray for you! :stuck_out_tongue:

I just finished my first week back at work after taking a two week vacation. But you go you!

… and ride your bike!

Wanna come cover my job for a day next week so I can get a day off? All I do is sit around and read the Dope. :stuck_out_tongue:

But don’t get lost!

Hmm, Anaamika has vacation next week, I have vacation next week.

Coincidence? :dubious:

And tdn, I’m going to be cooking lots of Indian food. (Enticing enough?)

Taxi, no freakin’ way! Sorry babe. :slight_smile: But I’ll see you at the park, neighbor.

You had me at “I have a beautiful vagina.”

ooh, Lake George. That’s almost halfway between hyere and there! (Here being where I am, there being where you are.)

My vacation isn’t until August (6-13) so I have to wait a couple weeks. But once the 6th rolls around, I get to play in the ocean! Woo!

Um… :o

That’s the thing about this board. You can never live anything down!

bouv, are you really going to the ocean? As in the Atlantic? 'Cause I’d much rather go there but that’s like 4 hours away. Lake George is an hour!

Paid vacation. What a concept.

At least my time off work is paid and they call it vacation, but it’s not vacation for me when I have to work in another area instead of my day job. At least what I’m doing is more fun than my day job, so I have that much.

I was trying to think of when the last time was that I had paid time off where I either vegged or did foolish, fun stuff. I quit trying to remember when I got back into the late 80s.
