Vagina and product brand names

Was watching the Sopranos the other day and the claim was made that products (like Vaseline) which start with a “v” have been “shown” to make the purchaser sub-conciously think of vagina.

Kind of hard to believe, though maybe the Vicks’ and Viceroy people are onto something. And I’m sure if you did some survey specifically asking what the letter V made you think of, some folks would just say vagina. But that’s hardly the same as linking it everytime someone mentions, say, hmmm… Virgin cola or Vassar. Any truth to this claim? :slight_smile:

Well, Vagisil always reminds of the word vagina, I thought it was just me though.

I may never eat Velveeta again.

Actually, that would make me more like to eat Velveeta :slight_smile:

Actually, that would make me more likely to eat Velveeta :slight_smile:

I’d dispute this. Why? For one, I don’t think the majority of the population finds “vagina” to be a sexy word. I’d guess it sounds too medical, too impersonal.

Yeah, and theories of subliminal advertising are a dime a dozen, because, really, Who Can Say?


So that’s why I enjoy my Varilux lenses so much … hey, it might even explain my preference for vanilla.

Vegemite is yeast extract. Whaaaaa! I don’t want to think about it any more.

That’s only assuming that you use the word “vagina” to refer to it, and not “genitals” or “down there” or “pussy” or “c*nt”.

Thanks, Muffin. Now you’ve got me thinking about it.
Gotta keep myself busy now. That’s what I get for looking at threads with “vagina” in them.

And media (like television drama) which start with a “t” and “d” have been “shown” to make the viewer sub-conciously think of total dreck.

Which reminds me, The Simpsons is on tonight. Gotta go.

I’d much rather eat vegimite than peanut butter.

That’s just it. If it is true, which I doubt, whether it helps is in the eye of the beheld. And it would be worse for restaurant names which start with V – I’ve eaten in one called Vito’s Cave. This theory could easily be extended to other letters, but that gets pretty hairy. And as Duck said, who calls it vagina anyhoo?

You mean penis butter?

T’aint that much between them. Sometimes they get mixed. Up.

Oh, yeah, the Big V-twin from MilVaukee. Now I get it. Vini, Vidi, Vici. I came…


Now you know why the “V-Chip” was invented. But seriously, folks…

Back in the 80s, when there was a group (sponsored by Prince) called Vanity 6, a lady I was dating told me a rumor she’d heard — that Vanity’s name was originally supposed to be Vagina. And that it had been changed at the last minute to Vanity.

I would have been skeptical about this rumor, except I remembered reading in the Rolling Stone article how she explained her name…

Somehow I didn’t think she meant a mirror for applying makeup.

(Update: Vanity has gone back to using her real name, Denise Matthews, and she’s now a born-again preacher.)

Now you know why the “V-Chip” was invented. But seriously, folks…

Back in the 80s, when there was a group (sponsored by Prince) called Vanity 6, a lady I was dating told me a rumor she’d heard — that Vanity’s name was originally supposed to be Vagina. And that it had been changed at the last minute to Vanity.

I would have been skeptical about this rumor, except I remembered reading in the Rolling Stone article how she explained her name…

Somehow I didn’t think she meant a mirror for applying makeup.

(Update: Vanity has gone back to using her real name, Denise Matthews, and she’s now a born-again preacher.)

