
This has been on my mind for the last few days. Can the women dopers describe what intercourse feels like? If possible can you describe it in a way that the vaginally-challenged can understand?

God I love this board. And no, I’m not a woman.

It’s just indescribable. Sorry.
And, no, I’m not a woman either.

Have you ever awoke in the morning, and it was cold out, and you shivered all up and down your body… then you went into the bathroom, and the tile froze the bottoms of your feet, and you can feel every hair on your body standing on end? Then you turn on the shower, and the room slowly fills with hot, thick steam, and you get in, your body rapidly heating up until you could almost melt?

Well, it’s nothing like that at all.

But I’m sure you can imagine.

Why not try experimenting on yourself? You have a reasonable, yet highly stinky, substitute for a woman’s most intimate of regions. A trip to the produce aisle is certain to be of great assistance in the adventure that lies before you.

I am a man,so I cannot possibly know.

However,Bette Midler has been known to ask,“When you scratch your ear,which feels better your ear or your finger?”

I hear parsnips are in season.

I was once told that the female orgasm was like an “interior sneeze”.

I have nothing else to add. I will read the balance of this thread as it evolves and take notes.

my “homie” is bi and says it feels like “a combination of sky diving and taking a dump when you get home from work”

i’ll ask a slut friend tomorrow and get back to you with vagina-vision

stay tune …

I can’t see this getting GQ-type factual answers. It’s more of a poll.

I’ll move this to IMHO.

DrMatrix - General Questions Moderator

I asked a lady once, she said it just feels ‘full’.

Why not ask some women in your life aggiej what it feels like?

Having experienced both, I can tell you that anal penetration doesn’t feel the same as vaginal penetration at all. So while it might seem like a useful analog, it isn’t really. I’m afraid I don’t have words to properly describe what it does feel like. I wish I did, because it’s the most amazing sensation. Hooo lawdy.

Dayum, girl.

Geobabe, you will be returning to NYC someday, yes? Please? Maybe you can’t find the right descriptive words, but a stream-of-consciousness monologue on the subject might be … instructive.

I do generally provide that during the act…well, I suppose it’s not descriptive per se, but I’m sure it’s, um, well, never mind.

To which a man replied, “If your hands are real cold, and then you slip them into warm gloves lined with soft rabbit fur, which feels better–the glove or the fingers?”

Neither of which is any good as an analogy.

Mrs. T has described it thusly:

“It feels the same as for a man, only inside out.”

(I pointed out to her that technically it’s “outside-in”. )

After our “discussion” concluded some time later, we returned to talking about the subject. She went on to observe that the rim of the glans is the most sensitive area of the penis and that perhaps the best analogy she could think of is to imagine turning the head of the penis inside-out and stretching the glans out over six or so inches. Or, she said, try to imagine the vagina as a corrugated tube where each interior ridge is as sensitive as the rim of your glans.

At this point I observed how unfair it is that, if her analogy is on the money, you female types actually have (at least) TWO eyes-roll-back-in-the-head trigger spots. AND y’all can pull that trigger as often as you want. I told her I wished to lodge a complaint with the manufacturer.

Then she reminded me about menstrual cramps and giving birth. At this point I shut up.

A word of advice… stay away from the pineapples.

As far as I know it feels exactly like intercourse. Can you describe it for the penially-challenged? (penially?)
Yeah, I agree with Geobabe, the other orifice is a signifigently different sensation, but it’s closer. I mean the difference between penetrating and being penetrated. That’s gotta be a big difference. Physically and psychologicaly.

Actually only the first three inches of the vagina have nerve endings. Your Fun Fact of the day.