Verizon Tréo 755P Question

Got one last night. Not new to Tréos at all, just to this model. Tried to do something I’d not tried before.

I tried to download a ring tone. I find that I cannot do that with this device. There’s no “Get It Now” feature for a Tréo as there is for many other Verizon phones. I did find a website ( recommended by a very cool Verizon phone tech ) that allows free downloads.

The file came in as a .wav file, not a photo with sound attached that I could save to the phone. So, I’ve got this text message from the site and when I click on it, it plays the ringtone. However, there is no option to save that .wav file to the phone so I can embed it into the list of ringtones and use it.

The free ring tone site was Phonezoo.



Page 119 of your user manual specifys that only MIDI and AAC files can be used as ringtones not WAVs.

The manual - 4.7 megs

This will apparently convert WAVS to AAC - there may be freeware options as well

This thread says Itunes can do it for free

AIUI, Verizon wants all ringtones used on their system to be a) what came with the phone or b) bought and paid for. There’s none of this homebrewed ringtone-bashing allowed.

I think some models in the Treo range natively support MP3 and WAV ringtones, but it’s dependent on a firmware update - and those don’t always get released for every model/carrier combination.

There are a number of different third-party ringtone managers that will do it though - this one looks pretty good, as it also enables some pretty smart call blocking functions:

As regards getting the attachment out of the message - I sometimes have trouble with that when it’s photos that people have MMS’ed to me - seems like a tap or a double-tap on the message in the chat window doesn’t always do what you want or expect (or even the same thing twice).
If you open the chat thread, then use the buttons to highlight the conversation pane, then click the middle button to select it, the highlight changes to entire messages - scroll up to the one with the attachment, then press the centre select button again - this should open the message on its own - and one of the menu options in that view should be to save the attached file.

I’m back with hard info. First of all, Verizon isn’t quite so nefarious, Beware of Doug. They do in fact allow any old ring tone. The Verizon tech is the one who steered me towards Phonezoo.

I emailed them for tech help on this last night. Here’s what they sent back. It worked flawlessly, and I assume will work with any .wav bit I download.

Easy peasey. Now I have Manamana from Sesame Street as a ring tone.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: