Very cool maps show why Obama won

From Yahoo.

Because he got more electoral votes?


The original source.

Edit: I think the article in the OP has maps #2 and #3 reversed. Check the relative size of Wyoming between the two.

I’m pretty sure maps #2 and #3 are swapped. Wyoming, for example, is much smaller in map #3 than #2, while New Hampshire and Vermont are closer in size in #2 than #3.

All I know is I want that cool #7 purple map on a T-shirt.

These ones don’t really look all that different from ones of 2008, but the difference between those two and the 2004 one is pretty significant. Interestingly if you compared 2000’s map with screen 6 of the 2012 maps what stands out is how much less purple we are since that Bush v Gore election. (And become that much less purple by 2004.)

I don’t see it.

I think the major difference is that the 2000 map has the county lines in black (or grey), which makes the map look more purple overall.

2 and 3 are swapped, and moreover wrong. California should be almost twice as big as Florida, for instance, in both maps.

Look for example middle of the south from Northeastern Texas eastwards. In 2000 that is almost all purple with a little red and a little blue; 2012 hardly any purple counties, red until you hit that North South line of blue.

Here’s a gif that shows the map changing from 1960 through the 2008 results. Third parties make the colors a bit more varied. I love to see a similar gif of the cartogram!

I blame Obama.


More on the loss of purple.

Note what these maps make clear: The geographical-political divide in America today is not Red States v. Blue States, nor North vs. South, nor East vs. West, nor Coasts vs. Flyover; it is Countryside (Pub) vs. City (Dem). The maps shade from red for the least-populous counties, through purple for the suburbs/exurbs, to blue for the dense urban areas.

And whenever a conflict comes down to Countryside vs. City, the Countryside usually loses and usually deserves to lose.

This one is my dad having hot monkey sex with my mom on the pool table in the rec room, while my great-aunt is in the kitchen, setting fire to the dishwasher.

Now I need a Xanax.


. . .

:frowning: :mad: No it ain’t, dude! That’s just some weird trippy map, man!