Very cool: photos reproduced years later with same subject

I find the ones with kid-to-adult better than baby-to-adult, not because the former are creepy or anything. As a kid, your features really start to show up, and the comparison has some depth.

I agree.

Check out that link Joey P posted. So moving…look at the boys all grown up!

“Hey kid, wanna see what you look like grown up?”
:eek: “Noooooooooooooo!!!”

Thanks for posting those! I liked most of them, although some looked a little artificially sharp, as if there had been some Photoshopping or other image-tinkering going on. The one that really caught my eye was the one with the girl and the young woman standing on the base of the column, although some of the baby pictures were also iffy, to my eye, at least.

The teddy bear grew up too!

Virtually all of the 2010 images have been processed various ways to achieve a print appearance similar to the originals. This is testament to the concept’s richness and the artist’s dedication, and not in any way a detraction.

If anything, the one of “Lali” (base of column) in 2010 sticks out because it doesn’t match the original as well as most of them do; it wasn’t processed enough.

The fact that they were able to find adult versions of some of the clothes was incredible. I really liked these and wish I had some pictures that did this.

It reminds me of the Connels video clip of 75-74, which does sort of the same thing.

Fully clothed from the waist down?

I love these . . . especially “Lucia in 1956 & 2010, Buenos Aires.” It’s so interesting to see in how many ways people change, yet also remain the same.

I have an x-rated pic of myself, taken when I was a baby. I will NOT be posing for that one again.

I remember this site! The mom changed her hair every year for quite some time!

And have you seen that the sons started their own photo series? Click on the small arrow under the last photo. Eldest son is married with a baby of his own, Middleson has a wife or fiancee.

Cool to see how the arrow of time continues…

That’s fascintaing. I think I’ll start doing this for me and Celtling.

By any chance, do you know if that Mother left the Father in 1996?

The emotion in all of these faces is just amazing. Especially the one with the gun. Int he first, he looks as if he wants to believe he can use it, in the second, he looks as if he wishes he never had. There’s a good short story in every one of these, ans I wonder how differently it would read according ot the life experience of the person looking st the pictures.

The skateboard one is heart-wrenching. The boy looks so unhappy in the first,a nd the sadness is so real in the second, one can only think that thing snever got better for him. . .

I am very grateful to have this brought to my attention. Inspiring.

Nice…the last photos interested me-they are color photos showing that odd yellowing effect.
I have some old photos of my grandparents from the mid-1950’s, that show the same effect.
Can this be removed by Photoshop?

Nit - high doubt it’s “x” rated, but more than likely “r” rated. AFAIK, “R” is for nudity, “X” is for explicit sexual activity. (Think “R” for “staRk naked” and “X” for “seX”)

I searched. Admittedly my Google-Fu may have been weak. (My favorite is Dolores in “Flo, Maria and Dolores” - she has that look nailed).

Yes, but likely not automatically.