My car was broken into last night. Somehow. Still not sure, but all I know is that I came out this morning to go to work and the dome light was on, signaling that a door was ajar. On closer inspection, it was the hatch door of my wagon that was open. Now, I carry supplies for my job (home health nurse), and you just
can’t bring everything into the house at night. Thankfully, there were no needles or syringes for them to take. However, they did take all my fast food cash (about $25) and a pulse oximeter. That is a very nifty little machine that measures the oxygen in a person’s blood by a sensor that fits on the finger. A nifty little machine that costs $600! Yes, I should have been extra careful with it, but it was hidden very well. I should mention that I live in a gated community with very limited access.
I was parked in my driveway (well-lit), since my garage door is not working well and I didn’t want to get the car stuck inside. There is no damage to the car, and they weren’t smart enough to grab the remote garage opener or the condo gate opener, praise Buddha.
I can’t stop thinking about the time I used valet parking at the local casino a few weeks ago. Is it paranoid of me to think that they scoped out my car/address, and made a copy of the key
to be used later??? I think I just saw that on an episode of Boomtown, so maybe it’s not so farfetched afterall???
And mini-rant to end things: is it normal for non-emergency police
phone numbers to connect you to voice mail on a Sunday? That’s the way it seems to work here in my town. Crap and more crap.
I am going to eat an entire package of Peeps right now.