I’ve been looking this morning for PS2 (or PS) games for my fiance. Problem is he doesn’t read English that great yet. We’re working on it, but in the meantime I’d love to get him some games in Spanish. Do they not make them? I couldn’t find a thing other than an ESL educational game for children.
I’m wondering if the problem in my search is maybe games listed in Spanish would be at spanish speaking sites. And of course I don’t read Spanish. I want to surprise him so I don’t want to ask him for help.
I emailed Sony and they PS2 site a few weeks ago but never heard a thing back. Surely there’s something out there in spanish?
A lot of video games are released in other languages. You just have to buy them in the countries that speak those languages.
Based on you being in Memphis, I’m not sure how much luck you will have finding spainish language games nearby. Here in LA I imagine a trip to Echo Park and East Los Angeles to some of the shops could yield what you are looking for.
Your best bet is online. Maybe even Ebay.
(I worked as a video game tester very briefly for THQ. I was about to spend 3 months testing Spongebob Squarepants in spainish before I quit)
I don’t mind buying online, I just can’t find anything, especially nothing I can actually read about myself!
ooh, I’d quit too! 
I know you said PS2 but a great deal of Nintendo games have Spanish language versions, the european games (which we get in Britain) usually have options to change the language from English to German/Italian/Spanish.
It should be easy to import gamecube games from the UK at a reasonable price and use a ‘FreeLoader’ disc to fool the GC into thinking it’s an American release.
I use the same disc to fool my UK GC into thinking my American games are European, you pop the disc in, power on the GC then once it’s loaded take it out and replace it with the game of your choice from any of the 3 regions.
Due to the relatively cheap cost of the GC hardware it might be an option worth considering.