View to post ratio

What is the largest view to post ratio anyone has seen around here?

I nominate this one.


And this…upsets you, I imagine? Enough to open a Pit thread? :confused:

Well, with two posts, I’m guessing he’s spent a lot of time viewing threads. When he finally posts in one, it really counts!


Can we define division by zero as extremely large?

Yes, I’ve lurked quite a bit. This seemed like a well informed community willing to share common experiences and insights in a forum that wouldnt’ be judgemental or harsh. Not to metnion lots of empathy if not sympathy. Obviously the topic I posted was close to home, and not something you can really talk about at the office water cooler.

Was I upset that it wasn’t being answered? No, not really. So did this belong in the PIT? No. After I posted in the PIT I realized the thread beloned in IMHO. Why it is now in ATMB is beyond me. This new question looks like a poll, of sorts. I’ve certainly seen lots of other threads in IMHO relating to the board, such as funniest post, etc.

I’m still curious what the large view to post ratio anyone has ever seen it, though. The OP is still valid, even if the thread referenced is no longer the leader.

It’s in this forum because it’s really a poll about the message board, rather than specifically about the content of a post. Don’t let it get to ya. :>