Volkswagens Suck!

      • Well no, not really- but some of their commercials do. Lately, what is the point of the commercial where they show you that by inserting and turning the key in the driver’s door lock, you can roll down all the windows? What’s the big deal? Is this something a lot of people have been wishing for? I don’t think I’ve ever desired it myself, and if you get keyless/remote locks (so you don’t scratch up the paint aound the locks) you never stick the key in the door anyway. WTF? - DougC

My wife drives a New Beetle with a sunroof (moonroof? whatever…), and the turn-the-key-to-work-the-windows deal can be handy in two instances that I know of: 1) to help dissipate the blast-furnace effect that occurs when a car door is opened in Texas in August and 2) to close the sunroof when you hop out of the car, and realize you forgot to close it while the power was on.

Not revolutionary advances in comfort and convenice, I’ll grant you, but spiffy in its own little prussian way. Maybe the Germans have a more lofty use for this feature that simply does not lend itsself to American lifestyles…

I have a 2000 Golf. The car is great and lots of little stuff like that adds up to a ton of fancy stuff you rarely use. I’ve used the “all the windows down/up” thing three times. Once to see how it worked, once to show a friend how it works and once cause a rear passenger forgot to role up a window. Ive had the car for almost 2 years. I find that comercial funny though. I do stuff like that.
dead0man…pimping VW’s

I, like caveman, live in Texas, and during the summer (trust me) the heat can be brutal. Consequently, I leave my windows down all the time when parked in familiar neighborhoods or in front of the local grocery store, etc. I drive a 2001 Jetta, and I have found the window-roller-upper-thingy useful on several occassions. Usually, it happens when I realize I will be away from my car longer than anticipated. It’s much easier to stick the key in the door, turn, and whammo! than it is to open up, hop in, turn the key, and roll up all four windows.

My guess is that some engineer once got annoyed that he had to go through the typical rigamarole, and decided to design relays for the automatic-window-deupper-downer-thing. Kinda nifty, but not really a major selling point.