Wait...Randy Travis is experiencing a downward spiral into drunkeness and despair? Randy Travis?!!

I don’t want to look, but one of the things that turned me off Wikipedia was that at one point I was grabbing the articles on several Spanish kings to link in the Dope and. Every. Single. One. Had a line about “possibly gay”, his wife (wives) having been beards and/or any male friend (from milk-brothers to validos) labeled a “possible lover”. Ok, yeah, we get it: any male, ever, may have been gay. And any female, a lesbian. Can we go back to history and facts, pretty please?

I hope Travis can manage to get himself fixed back; being that fucked up has to suck real bad.

To be fair, that car is an enthusiast car. Most of the ones that you see on the road aren’t owned by broke people who can’t afford better, they’re owned by enthusiasts who take care of them. When not driving naked and drunk, that is.

Like the sweeet '94 Taurus? :smiley: I hear Jay Leno has a couple of those in his garage…

Oh, Randy Travis. For about 30 seconds there I had the image of the black dude from American Idol driving around naked and threatening to shoot state troopers.

I’ve never had a 94 Taurus :p. I do have an enthusiast car from the 90’s though!

A hijack, but Taurus SHO’s were total sleepers back in the day. Looked all docile but could haul ass.

Just to let you all know, a '98 T/A is a seriously fast ride stock. It will easily keep up with a brand new BMW M3, even in all the corners that Europeans like to talk about so much. If you know how to drive it.

With a few cheap mods, it can reach supercar type performance, and the motors last forever under heavy abuse.

Unlike BMW’s

I dunno…I think probably a 4 year old could carry the expectations of Marshville. Now, Maysville, or Porter, or Locust Creek may be a different load altogether.

Yes. Those Locust Creek people are really hard on their celebrities.

Randy Travis cited for assault after altercation outside a Texas church.