My brother has a cat called ‘flash’. It is stupid. Once, it was sitting on the window frame of an open window. I said to my friend “I bet he slips”, He slipped. (He caught the window frame in a ‘flash’ though) He doesn’t go there any more.
Every cat I’ve owned has managed to fall into the swivel-lid bin.
A friend of mine and her husband had a very unusual cat. He had a strange habit of walking up to the edge of the carpet that covered the living room floor and digging his front claws in while his back feet were still on the slick kitchen tile floor. The cat would then start running with his back feet only while holding himself in place with his front. Once he was revved up to an acceptable speed he would pull in his claws and take off across the living room, and slam head first into the opposing wall.
When they’re kittens, they run SIDEWAYS on wood floors. They may have a walnut brain, but they are way more intelligent than some humans I encounter on the freeway.
I once had a cat that peed in the toilet. Really. Come to think of it, he was more tidy than the human men in the house…hmm.
You may want to do a “cat bath”, Muffin - my only advice is to wear gloves and drink heavily beforehand.
One of my cats will stand on her hind legs and STRETCH up to grab the chair upholstery with her front claws. Then she pulls herself up to the top of the chair using only those front claws. She’s small but strong.
The other cat, a male, seems to enjoy running headfirst into a closed door. I don’t know why he does this, it must feel good. He KNOWS that my daughter keeps that door shut, he knows that there’s a hole in the door (which my husband thoughtfully cut out years ago), but I guess he just likes the sensation of hitting his head against that door.
Both cats are currently pissed off at me. They have worms, and I just gave them each a worm pill. The male in particular gave me a nasty look.
I had a cat that would run into the jamb of the doorway to the hallway leading from the dining room in her efforts to not touch the runner that ran the length of the hall. She would run around the house at breakneck speed but only on the hardwood floors.
My husband rescued him from a shelter in Jersey City. He was filthy and flea ridden - although the scank at the adoption counter assured my husband he was flea-free :rolleyes:
Upon discovery of the unwanted fleas, we immediately gave him a flea bath (kitten safe) before taking him to the vet in the morning for some real flea ammunition. He seemed to actually enjoy it and now after either of us takes a shower he runs around in the bathtub like a freakin loon. It literally sounds like there is a bowling ball in there instead of a kitten.
When he is done in the bathtub, he runs at TOP speed through the marble tiled kitchen. Slipping throughout the room on his wet paws, he slams into the stove starts running again, slams into the walls starts running again, slams into the doors and so on until his feet dry. Then he takes a nap.
He’s a mouser, im2evil4u! (ear size = ability to catch mice).
Sorry about the worms, Lynn Bodini! We’ve been through that as well, and last week our 10 yr. old girl was diagnosed with feline asthma. Which just goes to show you that even if you stay inside all the time, the Dallas ozone layer is brutal.
I once has a cat so blonde she fell off the same window sill every day!
Also I had a cat who was declawed (came to me that way) who would start at one end of the house and run flat out to the kitty condo tree (floor to ceiling) and run up the tree, He made it to the shelf about half the time. On the times he didn’t, he’d do a back flip and land on the floor like it was what he meant to do all along.
It’s believed that the Stegosaurus’ brain was roughly the size of a walnut. So if you think about it, our cats would have been, like, the Einsteins of the Jurassic, what with the brain/body ratio and all that.
Had a mog that decided to jump onto the gas cooker - furry face right over a lit ring, I knocked her off 'cos she froze with surprise/fear/stupidity. Nasty singed cat smell but only damage was amusing curled-up wiskers - also saw a cat on TV that had jumped into a heated pan of it’s owners leg-wax and therefore needed to be shaved (there’s a lame pussy joke to be made somewhere in that).
Maybe the creationist loonies are right - how have cats survived evolution? If cats can’t get out of trees without the help of firemen,(who have only been around a few hundred years,tops,) did trees used to be full of little kitty corpses?
Capt B Phart–I have a cat who once, as I was taking a King Ranch casserole out of the oven, hopped onto the 450 degree oven door, started squalling like a banshee, ran across the oven door, realized that there was a wall on that side preventing her from jumping off, and ran back across the door. The whole time I was holding this really hot casserole in shock, not really believing that my cat had just jumped into the oven. She burned every one of her little paw pads, and still (2 years later) winces every time she jumps off of a table or something.
The other one threw up every day for about six months. After testing for food allergies, changing her diet, and finally breaking down and paying several hundred dollars to run elaborate tests at the vet to figure out what the heck was wrong with her (she looked like a skeleton, she’d lost so much weight), The vet noticed while cleaning out her litterbox that she’d been eating Christmas ribbon. Yes, Christmas ribbon. And who knows what else. I’m really careful what I leave lying around now, and if anything small goes missing, I’m terrified that Scout has eaten it.
It’s a good thing they’re both spayed, because I don’t think either one of them should breed.
Had to pull the orange plastic tie thing that gets included with some bin-bags out of the same cat - about 1/3 was sticking out of her arse (trans: ass) neither of us enjoyed that one
Dread Pirate Jimbo’s cat, Maxie, managed to get herself trapped head-down in a small vertical crawlspace between the stereo and the wall when she was a youngster. Seems she managed to get herself slid down into the tight space, then found she couldn’t turn around or get herself back out again. Kitten curiosity, man. It’s a miracle any cats survive to adulthood.
We had a Siamese cat that enjoyed the long central hallway in our house. If all doors were open, she would run no one end of the house and up the curtains (all windows on that end of the house, to catch the breeze) then back down, full speed down the hall, into the bodroom at the other end of the house, across the bed and up the curtains on THAT end.
She would run from end to end, repeatedly. Hours on end.
There was a door to that room from the back yard, and Dad came in from mowing the back half of our three acre lot, whipped off his shirt and streched out on the bed. The large Siamese saw him and tried to stop. However, she ended up skidding across his back. There were bloody paw prints on the curtains, and the cat wouldn’t come down off the corniceboard for four hours.