Wanna add your locale to the SDMB map?

SoFla heard from, along with a pic.

I’m there – one of only a scant few Australasians so far. Hope the rest of the tribe get their arses into gear! :slight_smile:


In adding my pic, I added an extra “shout-out” so now I look like a jerk. Anyone know how to edit it?

Aw, my photo’s not on the front page anymore!

My ego hurts!

I’m on the map. That thing is cool!

Little Bird: You have an animal on your head!

I’m on the map! Me and my girls…and our pet hyenas, “snots” and “nipper”, feel very special now.

I’m there. My balloon is hovering over Adirondack Park. :slight_smile:

In at #318.

I couldn’t view the map :frowning:


I’m there!

I finally realized that you could add satellite imagery to the view. I’ve just spent an hour looking at aerials of places i’ve lived.

I started it, I can actually edit it. What do you need removed?

How neat. I added myself - the picture shows up, but I can’t find my flag…too many of us here in the Tri-State area :smiley:


Surprised there is doper very close to me (hello Inconsistant1!)


In like Flynn! Another Alabamian on that there thang. No pic, as I’m at work.

I’m there. I guess I’m kind of neighbors with Noone Special, although good luck my trying to visit!

Hmmm. Tried it from work (no one who is here is actually working today), but it done blowed up my Internet. I’ll have to try it again from home without this quirky corporate firewall.

I’m in. Just one of a crowd here in Maryland, though. It’s nice to see so many continents represented!

I’m in :). North east of jjimm

That’s me in the music boat.