WANTED: Graphics Database/Viewer/Slideshow Thingie

I’m in a bind.

We need to present about 100 images to a client who will then look through them, study them and select some to use for a job we’re working on.

I need to create a Deliverable CD that he can open and use to scroll through th images and select the ones he wants. I’ve come up with a way (or two) to get it done, but I’m not happy yet.

  1. I could put all of the images into a single folder with Thumbnail View enabled. That way, the client could look at all of the pics in the folder and, to zoom in, simply open the ones he wants. Of course, to make this work, I need to somehow make sure he’s opening the files in a respectable program, and not some little graphic app that has taken over his images.

  2. I might be able to build a database of images in Access, right? Then he could open it and view the images. I know FileMaker can do this. Can Access?

Does anyone know of a specialized app to get this sort of thing done? I am sure that, out there in the world of Bikini Slideshow ScreenSavers, someone has bested this particular hurdle before. I just don’t know who.


How about PowerPoint? You can insert each image on its own slide, then burn that saved PPT file onto a CD and run Slide Show to let him view them. Just make sure the machine you use to let him view them has PowerPoint on it.

If you’re using a Mac, Mac PowerPoint 2001 and Mac PowerPoint X will let you save that file as a QuickTime MOV file, so you wouldn’t even need PowerPoint on the machine that you use to view the file.

It’s my understanding that a Presentation of that size, with 100 MB worth of images, would be too large to run at better than a crawl.

If your machine can handle the filesize, then PPT can show it at a pretty decent speed. (Saving as MOV will create an even larger file, which may choke QT). One trick - load the entire thing in Slide Sorter view first, so that the images can be cached. Then run Slide Show without quitting and restarting PPT. Once they’ve been cached once, they don’t need to redraw again in that session.

If you’re willing to buy software, you could use Extensis Portfolio to create the database. You would then include the installation file for their free Portfolio Browser on the CD and your client could use that program to look it over.

It’s perfect for what you need, except that 1) the client has to install the free software, and 2) your software will cost $200.

Good luck…

If your client has a web browser then forget those options. Download a copy of Irfanview from this location. It’s a great piece of freeware that can view manipulate virttually any media type, images, audio, and video. Among it’s many tools is a thumbnail generator. It creates a webpage of thumbnails and descriptions which link to the full size image. Using a basic webpage editor, you can customize the page for your particular needs. Here is an example of the default output

If your pix files in MB are less than a CD’s worth plus 50 MB, consider a FileMaker Developer database. Import the pix into container fields, make layouts that take up the territory of all the most likely screen resolutions (minus vertical room for task bars and docks), and create a looping script that runs through the database and presents each pic for an interval of your choosing. Use FmDev to make a runtime for the targeted platform(s) and burn a CD for each platform you want it to run on.

I’m on the Irfanview bandwagon too.

I would vote for Infranview as well. Having used it for several months, I can say that I would most heartily reccomend it in this situation. Tends to be faster than any other image program I’ve used in such situations.

Access will do this. What version of Access do you have - if can probably create an example for you in a few minutes.

Irfanview also does slideshows. Very well too I might add.

I use Access 97, though I am not certain that my client does.

Will I be able to send him some sort of engine to view the database along with it?

Thanks for the offer to create an example - I’d love to see one.

Well, unfortunately I can’t seem to get the images sized correctly. Sorry for the failed offer. Seems the best bet is to go with Infranview suggested by others.

OK - thank you everyone. It seems that IrfanView is the best solution. I’ve downloaded it and checked it out… not exactly long on documentation, but it seems capable enough.

I’ve figured out how to create a slideshow (.exe), which is great. I’m experiencing some confusion about Thumbnails. Can I create a page of thumbnails that, when clicked, link to the larger files?


Yes. Open the Irfanview program. From the menu, select File > Thumbnails. A file browsing window will pop up. Browse to the directory containing your images. If you have many images, it may take a minute for all of the thumbnails to render. At this stage you can either set custom options, or just proceed with the default settings. If you want to customize the thumbnails, select Options > Set thumbnail options. Otherwise select Options > Select All. Then select File > Save selected thumbs as HTML file. It’s simpler than it sounds. :slight_smile: