Warcraft Bnet Doper teamups?

So who wants to help me actually win a few battlenet games? Or at least accompany me on my way down to fiery defeat? Stinkpalm, you still playing? You still using assreeper as your b-net ID? You up for team ups?

I don’t play a lot, maybe a session every couple of nights or so, but I’d be persuaded to play more often if there were others with whom I could kibbitz. So how about it? Anyone else out in Doperland want to be added to the Absimia Awesome ArseKicking Acquaintances™ list? Remember, even defeat is fun when with friends.

McGruesome on bnet
formerly absimia on bnet

I just quit my job so I could pursue a full time study of how to beat the AI in a custom fricking game. Im still working on a human build order for the first 5 minutes. Here is a hilarious spoof review:


I’ll add your name to my friends list on Bnet. My account name is Zepplin21.

I’m TarsTarkas007 i usually am on USWest (don’t know if friends lists are separate per server like in SC) I still suck, mostly because i have to use the work comp to get the game to run, and cannot practice much. I can beat the AI in custome games if there are multiple AI teams, but one on one i’ve only won 2/20

Holy Crap! I clicked on a thread and see someone said my name! I need to start doing vanity searches for myself. I didn’t realize I was this popular. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, I have been really busy with school, work, divorce, all that fun stuff and haven’t played in a few weeks, but I’ll add you to my friend list and find you on the weekend if you want.

Undead is my bag. And I suck, so get ready.

Assreeper is my name, Reepin’ ass is my game.

Hooray hooray. I’ll look youse guyz up. I play on USeast, but seeing as how I’m in the Midwest, I will pop over to USwest now and then to try and look up TarsTarkas. I don’t think anyone will have to worry about being outclassed by me. I just played two games today before coming to work and lost both (one in just under 8 minutes) I take bad to new levels.

Perhaps we could create an Anti-Clan:
Festivus: The clan for the rest of us