Warehouse 13

Oh fie, to make such a season cliffhanger!

What do you think is going on?
Perhaps Artie has been split into two entities like Captain Kirk in a transporter accident.
If Br. Adrian did attack Steve, is he not a bad guy?
Is someone disguised as Artie and/or Adrian?

I think Adrian is a Bad Guy.

Adrian is a bad guy - but not for the reasons we’ve been shown all season.

Artie is/was infected by the evil, the knife has cleansed him - he will survive. He’s not two people, more like any other time an artifact has ‘infected’ a user.

Now that we know the cure for the ‘evil’ (and have in our possession the tools) - Someone else will use the astrothingy to go back this one day and save both Leena and the world - get knifed and all will be well again - I’m guessing Jinks will do it.

That’s reasonable.

Hey, you want to talk about a cliffhanger ending? My DVR “finished” its recording of that episode just as the flower petal dropped into Pete’s hand and turned into black dust. I have no idea what happened after that. AARRGGHH!!!

They all inhaled, the black dust escapes - zoom out to world view - black screen.

The orchid dust got Paris…surely they can leave that part in.
Set the Astrolabe to “Select Country” or something.

Artie was shown to have the Thimble. Presumably he’s been using it to go around as Brother Adrian.

Six freaking months before the next episode, too.

Unless they do the Christmas episode thingy this year, which would be cool.

I can’t believe they would do that to the character.
Does anyone remember if Artie was present when Adrian attacked Steve?

Nope, no Xmas ep, as it’s a 2x10 episode split and they’re keeping each as self contained arcs. That leaves no room for a whimsical mid-season special. Or end-season special, as it was when they only had 13 episodes to play with.

Say what?
At least the Xmas episode wasn’t too Christmasy.
Perhaps I am too Jewish or too Agnostic. :slight_smile:

I know, but one year the X-mas episode took place in a sort of undisclosed time continuity wise. I wouldn’t mind one if they did that. Though, like you have pointed out, I do not expect one this year.

First arc = evil Artie. Second arc presumably = fixing up what that orchid has done.

Explained here.

Okay, got it.

2x10 is a piece of lumber. :slight_smile:

As someone who is always very happy to see tropes used in different ways and generally messed with, I just wanted to compliment the show on the delightful subversion of that old routine in which the hero saves everyone by dramatically catching an object just before it hits the ground. Pete caught the flower … and it didn’t make a damn bit of difference.

You know, when the disease cloud began to disseminate itself, my first thought was that we were all being faked out. There’s nothing that says a disease that was considered completely horrible and incurable in the 1400s has to be anything more than a mild inconvenience easily curable with a bit of penicillin in the modern day. I mean, heck, the bubonic plague is pretty treatable nowadays. But I would imagine that a show about fanciful magical stuff will fix the problem through the application of more fanciful magical stuff.