Warning: Page Has Expired?

It seems like I just started seeing this error fairly recently and it’s really annoying. What happens is whenever I put any information in a field on a website (such as searching for a movie at imdb), and then I click the back button (say the movie I clicked on wasn’t what I was looking for and I wanted to see the search results again), I get this “Warning: Page Has Expired” error. All I have to do to fix it is hit refresh but it’s still a royal pain in the butt. Is there anything I can do to stop this?

  1. Type faster. :slight_smile:

  2. Complain to the webmaster of the site.

this usually happens with encrypted pages starting with https:// instead of http://

if it’s happening fairly often, try this (not sure if it’ll work, but it’s worth a try) :

for lack of data, i’m assuming you’re using a recent version of MS IE on Windows.

go to tools/ internet options/ Temporary Internet Files / Settings / Check for newer versions: and select “Every Visit”

then shut all browser windows and start it again, and see if it still happens.