And did she (Juliette Low) and Lord Baden Powell (founder of the Boy Scouts) really share Lady BP as a common wife? I read this a couple times but can’t find my references.
I don’t know.
I’ll check my 1912 issue of the National Inquirer and let you know.
Well, it’s a charming story, anyway. Her Ladyship was babealicious, said to be REAL FUN in her single days, and a generation younger than His Lordship. Mrs Low was, uh, rather butch. In the nicest way possible.
And Lady BP might have been, you know, “lonely” - there is a persistent theory that the founder of the Boy Scouts was a homosexual himself.
Sounds like a cool link…if it WORKED!
Totally off the thread…
Amp, please indulge me and explain your sig:
Veni, vidi, dormi - I came, I saw, ???
I would guess it’s “I slept”.
I came, I saw . . . go to sleep!
Dormi is imperative. Probably you meant Veni, Vidi, Dormivi, which does mean “I came, I saw, I slept”, but which doesn’t sound as good.
Thanks guys! I enjoy a bit of clever poetic license.
Your definition of babealicious overlaps with mine only very, very slightly. Butch, however, seems right on the money. Can’t shed any light on the ‘wifeshare’ rumour but if true it does seem fairly charming.
Actually, if he liked boys that makes him a pedophile, not homosexual. Gay men and women, like straight ones, have no sexual interest in children. I guess one could look at the gender of the child, but to my knowledge, a pedophile is not really interested in gender. I am afraid to research this further, given the law’s paranoia about pedophilia. Just knowing the word probably makes me a pervert somewhere.
Hmmm, the pictures I saw were with makeup and without the stern uniform. Maybe after she got married …
So the founder of the BSA married Miss Jane Hathaway?
Baden-Powell was almost certainly a paedophile, and a sadist to boot. He loved his little collection of naked boy photos, and his favourite sport was pig-sticking. A thoroughly nasty piece of work.
“Pig sticking” as in knifing pigs? Kewl. :rolleyes:
As for the rather butch outfit her ladyship is wearing, that was the style amongst the British upper classes back then. Riding habits and tweeds and jodphurs were all the rage. And girls were often encouraged to be outdoorsy and horsey (in the pastime sense of the word). Remember on at least one episode of “Jeeves and Wooster” there was a woman who dressed EXACTLY like Mrs BP in that photo (without the chains and medallions) but was straight. Scary, but straight. “Bertie, don’t be an ass!”
Pig sticking is the sport of hunting wild or feral pigs (much the same thing) on horseback with a lance or spear. It, with polo, was officially encouraged in British army officers as a way to improve horsemanship and provide fresh meat for the table. It would be strange indeed if Baden-Powell were not into pig sticking. The thing with little boys is just indeed strange. Do not, however, confuse blood sports with sadism.