I’ve always found that a plain looking woman with a fantastic singing voice can gain a point or two on a scale of 1-10. Yoko loses a few points in that regard, in my opinion.
This is why I read CS: for these intelligent discussions on the arts.
How in the screaming bloody fuck would you know?
I wouldn’t say she’s photogenic, but I think she looks pretty lovely in this picture* from her preformance work “Cut Piece” (1965). I definately think she looks a lot better in motion and in person than she does in still images and that she has aged well.
*this picture is safe for work, but the preformace itself involved her inviting the audience to come up onto the stage and cut her clothing off.
Meh. Whatever. Scroll down and hit the link for the gallery on that page. Personally, I think Yoko’s just a few bristles shy of being a beast.
But Lennon saw something else in her and that’s all that really matters. De gustibus and all that.
Yoko singing accompanied by bagpipes would make a Vogon’s head explode. :eek:
Not hot. Mildly attractive thanks to a really good photographer at best.
Yoko always had a nice chest… but hot? No. Never. Ick.
Was she ever westernized “Lucy Liu-esque” hot? No.
Was she ever "Lovely in an uncomplicated way"hot? Yes, I think so.
I also think that she was a well respected artist before she met John, and find the OP sort of odd. It’s like asking if Pablo Picasso was ever “hot”. No, not really, but that wasn’t really the point.
She can’t sing though.
Well, the girls would turn the color of
An avocado
When he drove down their street in his
El Dorado
He could walk down your street
And girls could not resist his stare
Pablo Picasso never got called an asshole
Not like you
– The Modern Lovers, 1975
Well he did ditch his wife Cynthia…
“Butt ugly”? “Ick”? “Just a few bristles shy of being a beast”? Jesus, people, what kind of standards do you have?
She’s kind of cute-lost in that pic.
The Steven Tyler one is a bit frightening, IMO.
Lucy Liu’s not hot either.
They’re both pretty attractive in that photo and I typically think they’re both rather awkward looking at best.
Well, I’m not a Brad Pitt fan myself, but I’m willing to bet that a majority of men probably think that Lucy is a hottie.
Different than yours, I guess.
I agree with your incredulousness.
If the pics presented in this thread represent butt ugliness and near-beastliness then close to 90% of the female population must look so horrifying it’s a wonder any of us can get laid.
I think she looks quite pretty in all the pics shown so far. If I was in a more catty mood, the worse I’d call her is plain. But even that is too harsh, IMO. Being that I’m a strongly straight women, I don’t feel qualified to speak on the “hot” thing. But I see an attractive woman when I see Yoko.
Ones higher than her, obviously.
I have to back up Frank on this one. Michelle Yeoh, on the other hand, could rock my world seven days a week, and twice on Saturday. That is, if she was interested. If anybody wants to pass the message along to her, I’d be grateful…