
Did I miss anything?

My wife came up with the bail and sprang me today.

The operation was a complete success and a big thank you to the guy that invented morphine. This stuff will put tequila out of business.

I emailed some of you guys, but I think the mailer is screwed up.

I’m healing up faster than normal, although I’m still weak and in some pain.

Thank you for your thoughts and best wishes.

I’ll try to post again in a day or two.

Love you guys


Welcome back, Wally!

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

“If I pinch my nose with my fingers, close my mouth tight,
and blow real hard, I can make my ears bleed. It’s
not as cool as Superman’s X-ray vision, but it’s my own
special talent.”


Welcome Back Wally

(hope wife doesn’t get upset)


Glad to know that you are doing well and on the road to full healthy status!

whoooooo hoooooooo!!!


I completely lost it when I saw Wally’s post!


Welcome back Wally! Now I want you to promise me you don’t attempt any more of that wild cybersex until you’re up to it (LOL).

“I don’t know…I don’t know.” – St. DooDah

Glad to see you are back Wally!

We have missed ya!

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!

Welcome back Wally!!! Glad to hear you got through it okay!!

Winner, SDMB’s Biggest Chat Addict

“Only two things that’ll soothe my soul - cold beer and remote control.”


Yay! ::cheering::

Wally’s back, Wally’s back!!!


Woooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooo Wally!!! I’m sooo glad you are doing well… Sure miss you!! hugs and smoochies to you… now go lie down and get some rest so that you can get back in here.

We are, each of us angels with only one wing,and we can only fly by embracing one another

Right on Wally! Now all you have to do is wash off all the permanent marker writing that says “Do Not Cut Here!”

Don’t forget to hug your pillow. :wink:

Mike Mulligan had a steam shovel,
a beautiful red steam shovel.
Her name was Mary Anne.

Did you miss anything? Nah.

(Except that while you were off foolin’ around with the nurses the National Libertarian Party bought out the Chicago Reader and sold the message board to the Austrian National Congress, who resold it to the KKK, setting off a new round of riots in Selma, so the KKK sold it to SETI, and now we’re all under investigation by the NSA.)

Nothing much new around here at all, nope, nope . . .
Glad to see ya up and around Wally. Now get back to bed dammit!

Dr. Watson
“The heart hath its own memory, like the mind,
And in it are enshrined,
The precious keepsakes, into which are wrought
The giver’s loving thought.”
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Hey Wally! Great to have you back, man. I take it the doctors got everything hooked back up correctly?

:::wiping tears from eyes:::

I can’t think of anything witty to say right now. I am just so damn glad to hear that you’re okay.

Missed you, man.

This space blank, until Wally thinks up something cool to put here.

Welcome back man!

Hey, what’s that ticking?

::Puts ear to Wally’s chest.::

Your surgeon had a Timex, I see. :wink:

Good to have you back!

Eschew Obfuscation

Ain’t science sumthin’?

Up and posting in five days. Welcome back, Wally!

– Sylence

“Excuse me, are you reading Torah and eating crayons?”

Get back to full strength etc etc.

By the way, that was faster than getting a computer repaired these days.


Been wondering about your great adventure. Hope they didn’t tamper with the heart of your humor.

Great to see you back!!!

SDMB’s oldest living female!
Acclaimed author of: No Bad Brontosauri
365 Ways to Cook Sabertooth Tiger
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Wheel

Way to go, Wally! Er, that is, the doctors and surgeons that patched you up.
Anyway, good to see that you didn’t take a ride on the hansom, after all.
Was there ever any doubt?

“Winners never quit and quitters never win, but those who never win and never quit are idiots.”

Good to see ya, pal!

Now, did I bet five days or not?

:: Shadowfox does the Happy Dance ::

Wally is back! We missed ya!


“The dead have risen, and they’re voting Republican!” - Bart Simpson