Wax Wroth?

Does anyone have any idea what this phrase means? If someone is to ‘wax wroth’ what does that mean?



  • SteveK42

No no, you’ve got it backwards. It’s wroth wax. Very important to keep your wroth waxed, otherwise your strimp can get all whummpy.



I’m going to take this seriously for the moment. It means “get angry”.

From www.m-w.com:
wax–to assume a (specified) characteristic, quality, or state
wroth–intensely angry : highly incensed : WRATHFUL

Clearly this is derived from the response of the first folks who attempted to hot-wax their carriages bare-handed. :slight_smile:

Ohhhhh…thanks Balance!!!

Secretary: “The dean is outside—and he’s waxing wroth!”
Groucho: “Send him in, and have Roth wax himself for awhile.”

Wax = grow
Wroth = anger

Main Entry: 3wax
Function: intransitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English weaxan; akin to Old High German wahsan to increase, Greek auxanein, Latin augEre – more at EKE
Date: before 12th century
1 a : to increase in size, numbers, strength, prosperity, or intensity b : to grow in volume or duration c : to grow toward full development
2 : to increase in phase or intensity – used chiefly of the moon, other satellites, and inferior planets
3 : to assume a (specified) characteristic, quality, or state : BECOME <wax indignant>

Main Entry: wroth
Pronunciation: 'roth also 'rOth
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wrAth; akin to Old High German reid twisted, Old English wrIthan to writhe
Date: before 12th century
: intensely angry : highly incensed : WRATHFUL

To elaborate further, wroth wax is the past-perfect inflective of “wraith wicks”, now usually described as really swamp gas getting ignighted by a landing UFO’s exhaust.