I understand that most vitamins get any excess flushed out by the body, however i just bought a new drink which seems to have a lot more than just a few times the recommended daily intake. It’s called G-Force Orange and Mandarin, one 800ml bottle contains 7 times the recommended daily intake. It’s quite tasty and rejuvinating, I could easily drink 3 in one day. Could this be harmful in such large quantities?
7 times the recommended Vitamin C
Some vitamins are toxic and can even be fatal in overdose, but the dose required is usually beyond the ingestion scope of normal humans (except, as someone will shortly mention, those with access to polar bear livers).
I seem to recall being told that overdose of vitamin C is fairly trivial (skin problems/acne?), but googling didn’t seem to help, so maybe whoever told me that just made it up.
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is one of the water soluble vitamins, so it’s readily excreted in the urine. At doses upwards of a gram a day, it can cause an upset stomach in some people. The Nobel prize winning biochemist Linus Pauling took multiple gram doses of vitamin C each day for years, with no ill effects. YMMV.
FYI: It’s “Way too many vitamins?” not “Way too much vitamins?” “Many” should be used in less precise circumstances, e.g. “There is way too much to do” but “There are too many jobs for me to do”.
many adj. (quantifier used with count nouns; often preceded by ‘as’ or ‘too’ or ‘so’ or ‘that’) amounting to a large but indefinite number.
- The Grammar Nazi =8^)
Thanks for helping…i will drink till my hearts content. And thanks for pointing out my grammatical error (i think).
Just realize that if you’re doing it for any kind of benefit from the Vitamin C, since it’s water soluble, eventually you’re just pissing your money away.
: o ) No…it tastes good
Vitamin C is a lot like citric, malic or fumaric acid. Lots of people like the sour taste.
Avoid eating the livers and blubber of arctic aquatic mammals. However, even water ssoluble vitamins should not be taken without solid food.
‘Many’ and ‘much’ have nothing to do with precision; it’s many things, or much of one thing.
‘Too many’ vitamin means too many different types of vitamins. The OP is asking about too much of a single vitamin.