We are literally living out Idiocracy

A woman named Cathy Garnaat was interviewed by NBC News at Justin Amash’s town hall in Michigan:

“I was surprised to hear there was anything negative in the Mueller report at all about President Trump. I hadn’t heard that before. I’ve mainly listened to conservative news and I hadn’t heard anything negative about that report and President Trump has been exonerated.”

:eek: I honestly didn’t think even Trump’s diehard MAGA followers were buying that line of BS. I figured they just enjoyed him “triggering the libs” by making these empty boasts. But apparently at least some of them really believe it?!? Jesus.

Then there’s the Orange Dum-Dum himself:


:smack: Idiotic, incoherent ignorance. Puts me to mind of the old saying about the blind leading the blind, although in this case it’s more like the moronic leading the imbecilic.

Bro. The only surprise here is hearing one of them waking up for a half second. Don’t worry, it won’t last long.

So long as the Murdochs are making massive profits by keeping a third of the population in a fact-proof bubble, they will stay in that bubble.

They will never give up their Brawndo.

How could I forget Ben Carson and his “Oreos”? And of course we’ve actually got Rick Perry heading the Cabinet department he famously couldn’t remember in a GOP debate, which still sounds like some sort of fraternity style prank when I type it out.

The best people!

'sgot 'lectrolytes.

Don’t you dare call them stupid!

needed for 'batin

…economically challenged.

I don’t doubt that this lady is ignorant AF and probably was genuinely conned into believing Trump was exonerated. However, I doubt that she speaks for the majority of MAGAbots. Not when you consider that in the next breath many will talk about how conflicted Mueller is and how the whole thing was a witch hunt.

What they really want to say is, “Yes, the president might have gotten some help from Russia, but so what? We know the Clintons and Obama got help from the Chinese and the Muslims!” They tell themselves that “To varying degrees, all politicians cheat and game the system.” They would privately probably acknowledge that Trump colluded with Russia but that the scale has been blown out of proportion.

That’s one reason why I think impeachment is a long shot. I think that many people don’t necessarily have the same level of outrage over Trump potentially gaining a leg up - even from Russia - as we do. Obstruction of justice, OTOH, might be more serious in the eyes of some, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at Trump’s poll numbers.

As I’ve said before, whether it’s by impeachment or by way of the political process, Trump will be driven from office when people believe he’s bad for the country. For most people, it’s about the economy and not much else.

Stop trying to reason or explain away the stupid.

“Idiocracy” was written by someone who was able to travel forward in time to 2018 and then return to 2006. The movie is basically a documentary.

Trump’s China tariffs are doing that for the Red States.

I don’t like to see Americans suffer, but if they have to by the hands of a buffoon, at least it’s those that elected him.

I’m glad China is targeting his voters (rather than just targeting everyone with tariffs), since they are the ones who brought this travesty upon the world. But they won’t learn anything. Many of them will invent a lie that lets them blame black people and democrats for the consequences of their own bad decisions.

Sometimes painful experiences are how people learn. I don’t want to see farmers suffering anymore than anyone else (it raises the cost of my grocery bill for one thing), but if it takes his Bible thumping supporters to wake up and realize that Trump ain’t Jesus and Jesus ain’t comin to save them…well, good.

p.s. It’s not just China, but also…climate change.

It’s not just China targeting his voters. God is targeting his voters too. God doesn’t like it when you fuck up the planet that God created.

I kind of feel like it’s closer to something like Brazil, but disguised as Idiocracy.

As a fan of Idiocracy I have to respectfully disagree with the OP. Comacho was the kind of president you’d want to have a beer with, even if he was going to take one sip and then crush the can before throwing it away. He was a porn superstar and you know damn well he didn’t pay anyone $130,000 (or if adjusted to 2505 dollars, quite a few trillion more) to cover that up. And instead of being nothing more than a punchline in the wrestling world, he was a five time ultimate smackdown champion! When challenged with “I got a solution… you’re a dick! South Carolina, what’s up?!” he didn’t spend the rest of the movie trashing South Carolina. And most importantly, he recognized that his United States of America had some serious environmental issues and he personally recruited the smartest man in the world to deal with the situation.

That moment when you stop saying “haha we’re idiocracy” and realize they had better leadership than we do. :smack:

This sucks.

You are right: it is unfair to Comacho.

I like this analogy.