We have a new kitty!

Pictures of Charlotte here. New Feline Overloard - Album on Imgur (We picked this name out for our second child 7+ years ago, royal baby be damned!)

We have been cat-less for four years now. After we said good bye to Stacy (one month shy of her 19th birthday), we got another dog. Our existing dog was thrilled to pieces, but the new dog wasn’t a good fit for us. He only listened to me, hated the kids, tolerated my husband, and pissed and shit in the house constantly. The last straw was when he bit our oldest son. I was 6 months pregnant at the time, so we had to re-home him.

Since then, we have been talking about getting another cat, but we wanted to wait until the baby was a little older. I’ve looked and countless kitties online. We’ve been to the Humane Society a few times. But this past Sunday, my husband was ready to really LOOK for a cat, so we went to PetSmart. They had three orange kitties that we decided to meet. The first one (with a great white mustache, chin, and paws) was way overwhelmed by our three crazy kids. The second one seemed OK, but he was a little reluctant and didn’t like to be picked up. But the third one … oh the third one.

She plopped her tiny self (seven whole pounds!) right down on our middle son’s lap, and didn’t react at all when the toddler basically tried to lay on her. She sat with me and my husband AND the oldest child in turn. She was completely unperturbed by our wild and wacky kids. She just wanted attention and to purr. Sold!

We didn’t know what to expect when we got home, so we set the carrier in the laundry room (with the food and the litter box), but she was out of there and sitting on the couch with my husband and the toddler within ten minutes. She made herself right at home right away. She cuddles on the couch and snuggles with the kids and tolerates damned near anything … except for the dog.

She HATES the dog. The dog just wants to love her and cuddle her and play with her too. It’s getting better, though. They are both on the couch with my husband right now; their heads are les than a foot apart. In time, we hope they become bestest friends.

She’s really cute! Congratulations on your new family member :slight_smile: Don’t worry about the dog, Charlotte will teach him respect.

Isn’t it unusual for an orange cat to be female? I thought that was a sex-linked thing, like calico cats that are almost always female.

Pretty kitty!!!

my koritza the klimber is an orange tabby girl. she is a seven pound petite girl, but she is the bravest cat ever. she doesn’t run and hide when people come over, she is a love.

ginger girls are the best. i’m sure your charlotte will warm up to the dog.

Cute kitty. We also have a daughter named Charlotte and another family member named Stacy.

What a cutie!

Such big, innocent eyes.
I’m not fooled, oh no I’m not! :smiley:

Beautiful kitty! I also thought orange cats were almost always toms.

It sounds to me like that wonderful kitty cat is blessed to be in such a kind and safe home.

Cute :). Spitting image of a cat I had for 17 years.

Less common, but not particularly rare ( unlike male calicos which are very rare, for much the same reason orange males are more common ). In practice orange cats have an approximately 3:1 split of males to females.

The thing I’ve realised about pictures of pets, as opposed to pictures of babies, is that you can actually say “AWWWWW! What a cutie!” and mean it in every case. All kittens and puppies are cute. Some human babies, I fear, are only cute in the eyes of the parents, and I have to keep my “Whoa. If ever ET and Gollum had an threesome with Yoda…” thoughts to myself.

Re: kitten, though: AWWWW! What a cutie! I had a ginger cat for years (male) and he was the most affectionate cat we ever had. He didn’t like people, he LOVED them. Always wanted affection and cuddling. Still miss him.

Orange tabby females are relatively rare; about 75% of ginger cats are male. Color wasn’t a concern of mine at all, but it certainly is a bonus.

IMHO, even more important: PINK NOSIE!

Pink nose kittens are the cutest. SQUEE!

Darling kittycat…and that’s a nice couch too BTW. :smiley:

Be a shame if something happens to it. :smiley:

What a cutie! She looks as though she has some deep thoughts in that sweet little kitty noggin. :slight_smile:


<Faints from cuteness overload>

Orange cats are THE best. I have one, too. We have a mutual admiration society thing going.

Oh! I love these beautiful stories! You have adopted one kitty and you have saved this kitty’s life. These days not to many cats get adopted. I hope you all happy a long happy live together!

sorry, I meant- I hope you all have a long and happy live together!

The orange ones fuck you up REAL good.