this is not a joke site, I find the signs on their foreheads to be very disturbing
good lord it creeps the hell out of me
this is not a joke site, I find the signs on their foreheads to be very disturbing
good lord it creeps the hell out of me
Sounds like a Simpsons’ episode to me.
Oh, come on.
And they couldn’t even get me a quote on my soul.
Oh, and one last thing: the link at the bottom (goes to, labeled “2002 We Want Your Soul Incorporated”) goes to something that appears to be a political activism group. I gather they’re trying to make a point about consumerism.
I like it. I’m sending it to all my friends who would appreciate it. A very original to bash corporations.
It definitely sounds like a scam the more I look at the site
Especially after looking at the terms and conditions page
Are you sure it isn’t a joke site? When you first go to the page a pop up opens pitching a product that will clean your soul or something to that effect. When you click on the link in the pop up it opens up an Amazon UK page for a CD by Freeland. The first track on the CD is entitled We Want Your Soul. Smells like a joke to me, plus they wouldn’t give me a quote either.
Yeah, I couldn’t get a quote either, and based on the questions I was expecting a lot!
or maybe it is just a farcical satire…but what do I know
See, gang? We’ve cured some ignorance today. Our job here is done.
::GI Joe theme plays::
Yeah, this is just a bizarre satire site/elaborate advertisement for Freeland.
I think it’s a joke site. It looked like it to me, and couldn’t give me a quote.
Those symbols on their foreheads, look a lot like the AOL logo. I’ve been to a site similar to the one in the OP, but they did claim to have a direct link to Satan. If you decided to sell, you were given a choice of which of the 7 deadly sins you most associated yourself with, wrote up your own contract, and it was posted. It’s not around any longer, but the entries were pretty funny while it lasted.