Wear a bullet proof vest

Machine guns and suitcases
tie up your shoelaces
i got extreme aggeression teach you a lesson
with the drill bit in your ass crack
you smoke salad i like the way you lay back

get of the truck with a bag of master locks
keep it simple
now young girl squeez ya pimple
i melted em down

all you mother fuckers dont know about my motherfucking skill i wish i was black
you fake mother fuckers act like you allways wanted to smoke crack

you got no clue whats good ,bad , ugly ,easy?
you dont shit you look like fireworks
fuck it your jealous just cause your posts are week dont me i should have taste real humans on my fork
you pork eating mother fuckers.

now genious get out your book of rhymes test the skill your just limp bizkit loving christian fucks
with meat in the closet
get outa my kitchen heres your challenge rhyme against this and win a skull.

you like reading

(Ready the radiation emiters) Calling DavidB
to surgery, DavidB to surgery. Its chemotherpay time.

Good-bye Melanoma, hello remission.


I would find it very erotic if you were to lightly fondle my left elbow.

Well that was a very…interesting home page you have Melanoma.

Can you spell fruitcake.

Hmmmmmm… We shoot rabid dogs where I come from!


I could never eat a mouse raw…their little feet are probably real cold going down. :rolleyes:

I read some of your site.

Why dont you show the same literate tendencies here?

I dont get it.

Allodoxaphobia- Fear of opinions.

Kellibelli – Melanoma had a different screen name yesterday. Same home-page though.

Tried to find the thread where I saw it but haven’t been able to, yet.

Interesting prose, but an unusual way to get acquainted.


Oops, I spoke too soon.

Melanoma’s home page was listed by OJSimpson in ChrisCTP’s thread on designing a home page. OJ recommended it. Guess these two know each other? Intimately, maybe?

I got some words and numbers fer ya:

Winchester Model 70 Laredo LRH BOSS firing Remington 7mm Magnum with a Banner 6-18x50 scope.

Great varmint gun, two- or four-legged.

Listen to your go-to-hell music, and sniff glue as much as you want to; when you decide to Columbine, just remember that I’m out there, and can put two-inch groups at 400 yards.

“One Bullet, One Target, One Shot, One Kill; then ghost like you were never there…”*

Melanoma, turn yourself in. They can help you.


Wally, at the very least we could castrate him, blind him, and cut his ears off, then put him in Indiana.

Did I say we? I meant they. THEY can do that.

I sold my soul to Satan for a dollar. I got it in the mail.

Goddammit, Surgo, Indiana doesn’t want him.


Wo de qianzi shi Zhongwende.

One word: WHATever!

Actually, we don’t gotta do nothin’, Surgo.

Melanoma just pissed off the Tank.

I can’t look.

if a chicken and a goat have sex does that make a goaten?

Pissed off? Au Contraire, my northern neighbor!

I’m not even mildly annoyed, or concerned, about cancer-boy.

Besides, extreme emotional states and firearms don’t mix well.

No, cancer-boy can listen to death-rot music, sniff glue, smoke pot (actually, I think this might help him somewhat), mutilate his genitals…whatever floats his boat.

If, if, he ever decides to Columbine, maybe he ought to first check his zip code against mine.

Because I don’t really carry a long-gun around with me; I do, however, have a concealed-carry permit for my home state, and carry in the other states that have established reciprocity with my home state. It’s quite a few.

And I’m even more proficient with a handgun, especially my carry, than I am with a long-gun. :eek:

STANDARD DISCLAIMER (for legal reasons, you understand): The above post should in no way be construed as a threat against any individual; merely a statement of purpose by the poster that, if the situation should ever arise that he is in a position to stop criminal activity in progress, he will use whatever level of force deemed appropriate, determined not only by the situation (including the possibilty of lethal force), but also by the constraints of the applicable laws in the locality that the incident is occuring.


one time I ate my neighbors shit