Weirdest pornsite ever.

I give you SexyTrek.

Although I have to admit that I always found Ensign Ezri Dax more than a little fetching.

Give me Jadzia any day (or better yet, Jadzia and Kira ;)). My friends and I refer to Ezri as Ally McTrill; she’s just too neurotic to be really sexy.

OMG! (insert obligatory Klingon / Uranus joke here )

BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I have to show this to my trekker friend. He’s a pretty conservative Mormon but even he’ll get a kick out of it.

I wonder how long until Paramount sues them into the stone age.

Funniest thing I’ve seen all day.

[sub]'Course, I only woke up an hour ago, but…[/sub]

Not that I browse the seedier parts of the internet or anything, but I’ve been assured there are much, much, weirder pornsites out there.

Basically “If you can imagine it, there’s something weirder out there.”

No, no. THe weirdest was a variation on this - Warriors of the Empire (now sadly defunct), featuring (no joke) Klingon beefcake.

Normally we remove links to porn sites, of course. But this one doesn’t seem to have any nudity in the accessible areas (I’m sure there’s plenty when you become a member), and just because it IS pretty weird, I’ll let it slide. :slight_smile:

Haha - this one has “the page you requested is not found on this server” - LOL - SO, Paramount got to them, or we overloaded it?

Works for me today, Celyn. Nice see through shirt on the main page :slight_smile:


Now I have to ask what the first best is.

why, how about this.

Best I can do since seems to be defunct. Sad - that one was funny.

May I take this opportunity to recommend my website? It’s got adult images, but the public area is R-rated. No direct link, but if you do a search on Google for “bondage humor” one of the pages from my site will be ranked number one. As it should be.

That’s sad-pathetic. It really is.
Psychopachik Vampire

I think the wierdest porn site going is Tim’s Pedal Pumping Babes.

You can tell it’s porn because of the presentation… i’s just the that emphasis is on close ups of womens’ feet on or next to gas/brake pedals. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

No link because there exists, amongst the myriad thumbnails of feet, the very rare occassional occurance of actual nudity, albeit infrequent enough that it appears to be accidental.