Horribly fascinating sites

I went to rotten dot com once. I stayed much longer than I should have, but I have had no inclination to return. The same cannot be said for The Crime Library. It scares the crap out of me and yet. . …

I go back, usually late at night and read for hours. Then I have nightmares and tell myself I’m never going back there again. Then two weeks later, there I am. . … Any other people have a site that they find horribly fascinating?

I can spend hours on BME (I’m not linking to it because I seem to recall another poster doing so once and getting into trouble) and many of the forensic science based sites.

I find the FS sites far more chilling than places like rotten.com because they leave out any of the sensationalism. The pictures and the summaries are absolutely clinical, and it’s a big jolt to realise what actually happened to the people in the photos.

Oh, crap! I just caught myself here.

Okay, okay, I confess- if it contains alien bigfoot creatures being channelled by poodles for the CIA- I READ IT!!!

There- are you happy now??!!!

Now leave me alone, I’ve got tons of reading to catch up on…hey I didn’t know that the Mothman prophecied…Disney crop circles??..hhhhmmm…the Blessed Virgin on a waffle…<<wanders off in a daze>>

P.S. oh, yeah- the link: SURFING THE APOCALYPSE

Hey Romana, thanks for the link!

I love the http://www.goregallery.com- but there are two…so about 50% of the time I go to the wrong one- anyway its a site with freaky pictures

A site that oddly fascinates would be the site of the Hal Turner Show (www.halturnershow.com), who is a right wing extremist short wave broadcaster. The site will most likely piss you off, as it did me, but you get over it, and after a while it almost becomes fun to surf…

BTW- What’s BME?

So did you give a link to thr right goregallery or not? All I got was some links to porn sites.

There used to be a site called “justmeat.com” or something like that. Anyway, this site was sicker that Rotten.com. It is no longer in existence.
Anyway, I very rarely go onto Rotten.com. And when I do, I always kick myself in the ass afterwords.

BME is a body modification site…piercings and such. My daughter is a member there.

Just for laughs…


Loyal [link destroyed by Moderator] viewer since
March 2000!
[You get one warning about direct links to porn sites, and this is it-Czarcasm]

[Edited by Czarcasm on 11-23-2001 at 11:47 PM]

If you guys REALLY want to see some sick stuff, go to the New Nation News web site, and check out the video of the Chechen muslims cutting off the Russian soldiers head. Some truly sick stuff. You have been warned!
Sorry, I dont know how to post links.

The Hal Turner Show site had that video of the “Chechens” cutting the head of the “Russian”, along with pictures of Chinese “eating babies” (Hal claimed it was real, even though it was an art exhibit), and Palestinian kids “mutilated by Jews”. He took those down after September 11th to make room for September 11th stuff. I watched the Russian/Chechen video…did’t look too realistic. I swear I heard English in it too.

Well then I’ll bet you did’nt see the same video that I just did. It was too damn real to be faked. Everything from the blood spurting from his neck on the first cut, to the grunting as the knife slices through his neck and the blood soaking the ground, to the legs kicking tells me that the video is real.

I love rotten.com, loved justmeat when it was running, and love the goregallery. Another one of my favorites, though he hasn’t updated it in a while is http://www.stl-online.net/thc/med/

There’s also the Flesh Page

This one is fairly interesting as well

And for those intersted in torture
This kinda stuff is why I have the internet.

You guys are much, much sicker than I thought.
I’ve been to The Stile Project once. I cannot look at those pictures. The Crime Library has stories, which freak me out enough. I don’t need a picture too.

I’ve seen some pictures. Curiosity always gets the better of me, but I’m always sorry I looked-- and don’t want to see it again.

Ever been to a hate site? I’ve stumbled across a few and I cannot stop myself from reading. It’s all so . . . horribly fascinating.

Is there a cure? 'Cause obviously there is something wrong with me.

Oh yeah… Biggirl… you might enjoy http://www.apbonline.com/

It’s one of the wife’s favorite sites.

Barking Spider, posting a link can be as simple as copying and pasting the url you use to access the website into your post and checking the “automatically parse URLs” option underneath the reply box.

Having said that, by convention on this message board we give substantial warnings if we are linking to things which people might find distasteful.

There are lots of images of executions out there on the www, some real, some faked. I’d pretty much guess that links to any of them (even if you obey the 2 click rule) wouldn’t be particularly welcome here.

[Moderator Underoos On]Please be damn careful with the links, people! Try to keep it PG-13 or better, o.k.?[/Moderator Underoos On]


This page is fascinating in a really horrible way. Not in the same style as rotten or Stile, but horrible and fascinating anyway.

Oops. I missed the moderator there. Stupid 56k! I’m not sure if that link qualifies as PG-13 or not.