Welcome to Singlesville pouplation me!

I just had an intresting call. It was from the woman who was my girlfriend. Lets call her A. I say was because until just before the call we were dating. Now we aren’t. I’m not upset or at least I don’t think I’m upset more relieved in a way.

When I met her back in April things clicked between us I asked her in May to be my girlfriend. She turned me down nicely saying she wanted to be friends. Our time together dropped off becasuse I was concentrating on my class and splitting my time between my other friends. Then we ran unto each other in July. We started hanging out again and last month she asked me to be her boyfriend. I asked her for some time to think about it because I had classes starting in Sept and wanted to make sure I would be able to give our relationship the time it deserves. She said she understood but every time we would go out she kept pusing for me to say yes.

About four weeks ago I did say yes. She was happy I was happy, everyone was happy. Her sister told me that she approves of me and everything was good until the Bid (not so bad) Ex comes into the picture. Lets call her D

D is a wonderful person. I know she will make the right guy happy when she meets him. After being with her 5 years I know that guy is not me. Thats fine we are friends. 3 years ago I got one of her friends a job where I work, lets call her T. So because I’m friends with T I kept the friendship with D. It was easy because D became friends with my other friend C. Now these are all women. I only have two male friends really M and B. They are both married but our friendship never changed.

I believe A had a problem that I remained friends with D but she said she understood because she is still friends with one of her ex’s O.

So now this relationship is over but we are staying friends. She is comming over so we can go see Snakes on a Plane and on Sunday she is going to a Horror Convention with me. She still wants us to hang out and I told her we would when I have time because I need to make time for my other friends who I was neglecting somewhat. (I didn’t say that to her)

So to recap. I’m not upset but rather relieved because she was making me feel uncomfortable around my friends.

So, let me see if I got it. You dated D, broke up with D, asked out A, got turned down by A, but later got asked out by A, got T, who is D’s friend, a job, kept D around because she was friends with C, suspected A of being jealous of D, even though A was still friends with her ex, O, all the while remaining friends with M and B. Is that right?

But seriously, that’s good you’re not upset about it at all. I have an ex (also from a five-year relationship) that seems to have an interest in remaining friends with me, but it makes me uncomfortable with my present relationship, which is much more important to me. Maybe you’re my evil twin from an alternate universe, sent to date women casually and keep your ex from a previous serious relationship around. Do you have a goatee?

I am the Mayoress of Singlesville. I live in that big old mansion on the hill that everyone says is haunted? You know, right near the Singlesville cemetery.

:: peers at screen ::
:: scratches head ::

Calculus is easier than that… :slight_smile:

I think you need to start including numerals in your circle of friends.

Well, if at any point you start becoming upset over it and want to have some hot lovin again, I would suggest looking into distancing yourself from D. Otherwise, I guess sorry man.

OK going way way back to explain things

I dated D for a while we broke up two years ago after dating for five years. During the relationship I became friends with D’s friends. One of them T I recommended for a job where I work so for the past 3 years I’ve worked with T in the same building one row away from me.

While I was dating D my friends C, B, M and M’s wife Z became friends with D and like her so they include her in things even if I’m not participating. Basically D became communal friends.

After being single for two years I met A who thought that I was still with D on the side because she can’t understand how a man and woman who had a sexual past can be just friends. Due to her insecurity I ended up breaking up with her.

In April at X’s birthday I met Q. Q and I hit it off so well I thought we should date. I asked her in May she said she wanted to just stay friends. I said fine but the amount of time I had for her just dwindled on its own because of other priorities. After hanging out often for about a moth she asked me to be her boyfriend. She said that she saw things in me that she didn’t realize at first and I made her feel special. She had no problems with be spending time with C or T (both women) but did not like it when I spent time at D even if it was part of a group thing. Today Q said she doesn’t love me except as a friend and she is sorry she lead me on. After she told me this on the phone she still came over so we could go see Snakes on a Plane and Sunday we are going to a Horror Convention.

Oh and Team Of Scientists I do not have a goatee. Sorry

Sounds like you need to get closer to T&A.

Today’s episode was brought to you by the letter… uh, well the whole damn alphabet.

How do why get a z or m or O without the letters in between, now I know why I don’t have many friends, I never remember my alphabet without having to say it aloud. That would make conversations very confusing.

I tried to use the letter that matches their first name but some of my friends share letters

Oi… after all that explanation, my head is still spinning. Oh well, no matter, what’s important now is that you’re single once again. Opportunities and all that coming up in the future!

I am the janitor at the singlesville high school.

I stopped halfway through that. There is a reason that one of my LJ communities specific rule against using one-letter abbreviations for names. It’s damned hard to follow. If you don’t want to use their real names, just make up fake ones. It’s so, so, so, so, so, SO much easier to keep track for the person reading it.

OpalCat you are right, here is my OP re-written with psuedonyms

oooh that’s a lot easier to follow! Thanks :slight_smile:

I think you’ll find there are more people in this town than you. I know it very well by now, I can give you a tour if you want.