Welcome to the boards Kathleen de Trelare


Damn, I was just reading the responses to the Zogg-Oli Surveysub[/sub] thread. And a newbie, Kathleen de Trelare, about had me laughing my ass off. Here’s a example (In response to the question Darth Vader or Darth Maul)… “Vader. He’s REALLY scary when you’re ten. You can ask my older brother. Maul’s just some dude wearing a lot of make-up. You see that everyday on Springer”

Well anyways, welcome to the SDMB - enjoy your stay :smiley:

Welcome to the boards! I hope you enjoy your stay here.

Thank you. Thank you. You’ve been great.
(curtsies gracefully)It just doesn’t seem right for a woman to bow.

Now that I’ve made my appearance, I’ll just be on my way.

You wouldn’t be Eve’s daughter, by any chance? I could see a certain affinity (style, mannerism) there…:smiley: