Well at least there's one piece of good news on TV today: Colin Quinn has been cxld

He was bearable as the anchor on SNL but barely; as host of his own show he’s Carson Daly minus any cuteness and with political opinions. Tomorrow night is the rectum’s last show; here’s hoping execs have learned from their mistakes (this is his second flopped show- even with a Jon Stewart lead-in he couldn’t keep an audience) and that he finds himself working in a venue to which his talents are better suited (Waffle House coming immediately to mind).

Did they announce this on his show or something? That almost makes me wish I’d watched. Sort of.

Yep. (He spent most of the show gloating that Bush won but announced this at the end.)

Sounds like his style.

He alluded to it the other day, too.

That show could have been great. And I tried to like it. But, nope.

Here are some things that I will miss:
–Jim Norton. He’s one funny mofo.

Okay, that’s pretty much it.

I guess it really was a tough crowd…

I rather liked the show, and I’ve pretty much disliked Colin Quinn all the way back to his MTV days.

I didn’t care for the obnoxious politics of Quinn and his New York Post reading friends, and they too often presented the Fox News side of the issue when they complained about the latest manufactured PC outrage and ignored what actually happened, which I would later discover from the news or the Dope. With that said, I liked the atmosphere of the show. It reminded me of shooting the breeze with friends and trying to outdo each other with the lame, crude jokes. It was so laid back that they were carrying around cups of coffee, screwing up skits on purpose, things like that that are rare in this ultra-polished, scripted, airbrushed TV age. And Greg Girardo was cool.

Anyway, it was an okay show, but I laughed, and I can’t argue with that. It wasn’t great, but I watched, which is more than I can say about most of Comedy Central, which is 1% brilliant (Daily Show, South Park) and 99% unwatchable.

Ah, that’s too bad. I got a kick out of that show.

I was wondering when that was going to happen. His monologues are, day-to-day, the most cringe-worthy performances on television. I know that it is kind of his schtick, but I have as much interest in watching a comedian with no timing as, well, watching a musician with no timing. He reminds me of the worst best man speech from the worst rehearsal dinner that one has ever been to: mumbled, rushed in parts, mostly incoherent, filled with inside jokes that nobody except him and one or two of the regulars gets, and at the teetering limit of sobriety.

I absolutely can’t stand Colin Quinn, and it seems like that show is on constantly. I don’t know how good that news is though; Comedy Central will most likely continue to show repeats all the time.

Thank God.

It’s not even his politics that bothered me, the man just wasn’t funny. I used to liken him to Bill Maher. Maher’s monologues are terrible, but he’s a great sit-down comic (I’d say the same of Stewart, too). But then I discovered Quinn was a terrible sit-down comic, as well.

His show had no structure and had some instances of “piss people off for the sake of pissing them off.” One of the comedians there was an admitted racist and saw no problem with it.

I’ll give Colin this: he seems like he wouldn’t be a bad guy to drink with. Please, just keep him off my TV.

This truly restores my faith in humanity. Thank you, Comedy Central! It’s the first thing they’ve done right in a long time.

finally, colin quinn is off the air! i hope they don’t find some other shtick for him to do on tv, please, give us some respite!
the most infuriating thing about the show (other than the fact that it was called a “comedy” show despite the fact that it had no comedic characteristics) was the ignorance of the host/guests. they would discuss current events without much knowledge about the real facts and politics surrounding them. it just made them sound stupid.
oh, and everyone from bill o’reilly to dan rather is funnier than quinn.

Thank goodness! Actually, I think Colin’s a fairly good writer, he just needs an editor to edit out the truly gawdawful bits and a better actor to present his words with appropriate diction, timing, etc. He’s exhibit A to explain why writer/director/producer/actor is not generally a good idea.

Amen! I’ve seen the show once or twice, and couldn’t get past his accent to even decide if he was funny or not.

Celebrate while you can. He’s like a freaking herpes attack. You get rid of him and a short while later, he’s back and more painful than ever.

This is a bit of good news. I used to like Quinn on SNL but on this show he’s just devolved into a boorish, uniformed, bigoted right wing A-hole. His constant race baiting is especially annoying as well as his constant sexism, homophobia and chickenhawking.

His guests are no better, by and large. Jim Norton is a huge dick.

I liked the show, but I mainly watched it only because it follows TDS. Quinn can have a good line, but he tends to deliver them with all the suave delivery of Roger Daltry in “My Generation”. Sometimes this is because he was freaking EATING while trying to argue with people. I’m sure more than one guest has walked off the set with Colin Crumbs on their clothes.

I do like Jim Norton and Nick DiPaolo (he’s an ass, but he’s quick on his feet), but the real conspiricy here is Comedy Central’s continued efforts to keep Marc Maron on the air in some capacity (remember Short Attention Span Theatre? When he had long hair?) I can’t stand Maron at all.

…and there was much rejoicing. (Yaaaaaay.)

Nice to see that mushmouth headed off the air. The man doesn’t seem to be able to put together a coherent sentence. My boyfriend and I race during the “5-second warning” after the Daily Show to either hit mute or change the channel before he can get a mangled word in.

I guess I am one of the few that actually loved the show. :frowning:

If an episode was good or not always depended on the comedians on that night.

I loved Jim Norton, Patrice O’neal, Greg Geraldo, Judy Gold, Nick Da Pola(I think I spelled that wrong), and even Colin had his rare moments.

I will miss the show :frowning:
Damn you all!!