We'll be out of touch for a while...

Not that we’re the highest count posters or wittiest or anything like that, but cadolphin and I will be mostly out of touch for the next few weeks.

Our landlord played a very dirty trick on us, and rather than get into a legal fight with someone who has more money than God, we decided to simply place all our stuff in storage and go stay with my sister.

Our 'net access will be very limited.

And we request good thoughts our way for the next couple of weeks. We’re going to need it, in finding a new place to live and unpacking again - especially with three cats.

Thank you for being such good friends and we’ll hopefully see you all real soon.

Ric and Kathy

Yikes! Good luck, guys.

That sounds like a crappy situation.

Good luck finding a new joint. Moving sucks, so I’m sending you good wishes and light thoughts!