Well, I "came out" ten years ago today

I’m just a little stunned by this milestone, is all. I’ve always sort of marked it as a second birthday, but, well, wow. One decade ago tonight, I admitted to myself that I’m gay and that it wasn’t a phase.

My life pretty much fell apart after that, and so I never expected to make it this far, much less put the pieces back together in a way much better than they were before.

On the one hand, I feel like I’m far behind everyone else my age, because having to leave home, quit university, and start a new life from scratch. But on the other, I must have done something right, because I like the person I am now, and I’m happy.

Just thought I’d share :slight_smile:

Don’t know ya Ham, but if you’re happy, I’m happy! My life is in so many stupid pieces right now I’d be celebrating if I could only put two of them back together! So, on that note I’m glad too that you did something right! :slight_smile:

Good for you, Hamish. I’m trying to pick up the pieces of my life at the moment; it’s a real mess. I hope I can look back and say the same things in a few years that you are now!

Though I’ve had to RETURN home…which is strange, after four years by myself. :slight_smile:

Well, I’m pleased and proud to have made the electronic acquaintance, and hopefully have become a friend, of the man you have become. So Happy Birthday, Hamish!! May joy come into your life in ways you least expect! :slight_smile:

Comgrats Hamish, I"m glad to hear that everything is your life is going so well. I only came out last february, and I can’t even begin to imagine where I will be 10 years down the road. I wish the best to you and yours, and may good tidings go with you.

Hamish, congratulations. It takes a lot of courage to do that, especially when your life has to come apart to do it.

So, ten years on, how do you feel about the decision? How did it go? Would you have done anything differently in retrospect?

Hate to be nosy, but I love coming-out stories.

::runs naked through thread::

[sub]He did say it was like a second birthday…[/sub]

Worth more than gold, that is. Good for you!

Congrats and happy birthday! It’s always interesting to stop, look at your life, and say “Who’da thunk?”

Congrats and happy Coming Out Day Hamish. Hardly anybody has an easy time of coming out, but it sounds like you turned out just fine. Now, go have some fun today.

:o Thanks everyone.

It has, and quite often, too. And my friendship is something you’ve earned many times over.

Done differently? With the information I have now? As bad as it once was, I think it couldn’t have gone much better. I had to leave home, but then my relationship with my parents was already poor (to understate things). I lost most of my friends, but the only way I could have kept those friends was if I stayed in the closet.

I probably would have planned my escape to Vancouver better, so things wouldn’t have gone so badly there. I came very close to being homeless for a period between one and two months. But even that helped turn me into the person I am now.

(Having flashbacks to that episode of Star Trek: TNG where Picard changes his past and winds up as an lieutenant on the Enterprise…)

::fans self::

Being happy with who you are (or, rather, who you have become) is a rare quality. Treasure it.

And congratulations.

Right on, Hamish.

Coming out, and living out is not always easy. But it beats living in the closet and lying to yourself. Don’t put too much preasure on yourself. Remember to have a good time. It’s your life.

Happy Birthday, Hamish!!!

Life is problematical at best, and living it is hard anyway you look at it. Living it as someone you really aren’t would make it even harder. Impossible to be happy that way, I think.

I salute you for your courage in living YOUR life and not caving in to the pressures you felt from your parents and others.

My best to you, and may you find everything you seek…this day, and ALL days.

My Love,


Congratulations Hamish!!! :slight_smile:

You’ve managed to do what many never will … be happy.

If you have that, you have it all.

As one of those confused kids still trying to make a decision about what to tell whom, and suchlike, I salute you.

Pursue to be yourself , not pursue to be normal. Of course it’s a very heavy burden. Things will go better and better. Good luck.

What a wonderful milestone. Thank you so much for sharing it with us here at The SDMB.
