Well, if nobody else is going to say it ...

Re: the nutso that kidnapped those 3 kids in GA after killing 4 people.

Ok, he’s a psychopath. That’s been well established.

The mother of those children, however, went to fucking OREGON for CHRISTMAS to be with her BOYFRIEND. Last I checked parents were supposed to, oh, I don’t know, BE THERE for Christmas and play Santa and do hokey family bonding shit with their kids! What kind of attachment disorder do you have to have to GO CROSS COUNTRY AND LEAVE YOUR INFANT DAUGHTER BEHIND?

What the fuck is that about?

You’re going to leave your 10 month old, 3 year old and 4 year old daughters (not to mention the 10 year old by some other guy) with your parents so you can go get laid over CHRISTMAS? What kind of mother leaves her kids over CHRISTMAS to go be with some boyfriend? And of course you would leave them with people that YOUR EX HUSBAND HAS THREATENED TO KILL, you stupid bitch! Why the FUCK did she leave those kids in Georgia while she pranced off to Oregon? If my husband were threatening to kill me and my family me and LilSnoopy WOULD BE ON THE NEXT PLANE TO FUCKING NEW ZEALAND AND I WOULD CHANGE OUR NAMES!

Thank God those 3 kids are okay. It’s horrible what happened to that baby. NOBODY deserves this, I don’t care who they are. This is fucking horrible and this woman is never going to get over this trauma.


Seriously. It’s so stupid it sounds like something a retarded sitcom character would do.

“Gee, my boyfriend with a criminal record has threatened to kill my family if we ever break up… well, now that we’ve broken up, better gather my entire family into one place and high tail it outta here.”

Somehow, I know I don’t really want to read the details of this, but, can I ask what the heck story this is?

From what I’ve seen, the mother seemed to not have custody of the children. Perhaps she was told that her presence over the holidays would be more stressful than enjoyable.

She also chose to go to Oregon because Jones had threatened her life. Perhaps she stowed the children where she believed that they’d be safe and then left town on her own because she couldn’t afford to take the kids with her, or didn’t have anywhere she could stay in Oregon with the kids.

I think I’d rather focus on the fact that the girls were found safe and alive and that piece of murdering scum Jones is behind bars.

LifeOnWry, the whole sorry story can be found here.

So, SnoopyFan, would it have been better if she’d stayed behind and been killed along with her parents and step-sister? Given the harshness with which you’ve expressed some of your views, especially those concerning abortion, I sometimes feel you have no problem with women dieing for their sins.

The link Lyllan posted (thanks!) gave some relevant information. For openers, Jones, the killer called Peeler, the mother, and told threatened to “start killing the kids one by one” as he put it after she went to Oregon. I don’t understand people who take up with vicious louts, let alone have sex with them often enough to have kids with them, but the Ms. Peeler may not have thought he’d come after his own kids until this call, so she may have thought she was safe. Since the article also says that the killer “was angry about . . . the possibility that Peeler would get custody of their children” (emphasis mine), I assume she didn’t have custody of them at the time. Granted I would hope that the courts wouldn’t give custody to Jones who’s apparently a pretty worthless type who’s been in and out of jail most of his adult life and who, according to the son-in-law of Peeler’s parents, “a vicious temper and a drug habit.”

Look, I’m not saying this woman’s a saint. She’s done things I would never do, starting with taking up with a guy like Jones and having 3 kids with a guy she’s not married to. I may be sounding a bit harsh myself but, as far as I’m concerned, a guy like Jones should never get laid or know the privilege of human love until he’s decided to act like a human being instead of a vicious, nasty punk. On the other hand, it sounds like Peeler didn’t have a reason to fear for her and his kids until after she went to Oregon and, when she got the threat, called the police. I don’t have or particularly want kids, but I can see how after making the decision to leave this lout and being in fear of her life, she would want to get far, far away, and again, with no threat to their kids, she may well have thought they would be safe with their grandparents.

If anyone should be Pitted here, I’d say it’s Jones. Why not Pit him for being a vicious, evil bastard who would kill his own children? Isn’t that worse than what Peeler did? Why not Pit Peeler for being foolish enough to take up with Jones in the first place?

At least these three little girls still have a mother. I may be overly Pollyanna-ish here, and the article didn’t say anything about what the new boyfriend’s like, but it sounds like, if only by leaving the lout, Peeler’s trying to get her life together and make a fresh start. She’s going to have to live with the guilt of this for the rest of her life, and I feel sorry for her for that. She’s done a particularly good job of messing her life up, but unlike the lout who killed their kids, she’s at least apparently willing to do something to change it. At least her kids will be raised by someone who loves them and the vicious, cruel lout who passed for their father is well out of their life.


Ok. She’s possibly the non-custodial parent. So that makes it okay for her to run off during the holidays to go shack up with her boyfriend? And how stupid do you have to be to leave your kids with people your ex husband has already threatened to kill?

SnoopyFan, not every parent is welcome around their kids. My sister-in-law, who gave up custody of her daughter, has to undergo a court-supervised reunification program before she can have any contact with her daughter at all. Since she knows her presence will be disruptive to the girl’s life anyway, why put everyone through the kind of misery that reunification would bring? Her daughter is (apparently) happy where she is, and if she wants to meet her birth mother, she can make the first move when she’s ready to do so, and not on her mother’s, or the court’s, schedule.

No one’s saying Peeler is all that bright to begin with. In any event, it’s possible that she didn’t think she had to take that threat seriously. I’m not her, and I can’t say with any certainty what her thought processes were. Suffice it to say, there were some misjudgments and people paid for those misjudgments with their lives.


::MsRobyn kicks the soapbox out from under SnoopyFan::


Pay attention here SnoopyFan

bolding mine

He threatened to kill them** After** she went to Oregon. I realise you want this to be her fault. Hell it is always the woman’s fault, right?

If I didn’t have custody of my daughter I would want to be away for Christmas, It would hurt too much to be close if I couldn’t go see her. I also think I wouldn’t want to be in the same state as that person she had children with. (Hell I don’t know him and I am just as glad he is in a different state) She phoned the police as soon as he made the threat. Imagining the hell she is going through now is the kind of nightmare I try to avoid.

This woman is going through the death of her parents and a child right now, and it strikes me that the nastiness and lack of charity you are spewing forth in her direction is as meanspirited as anything I have come across in a very long time.

Pay attention here, fur:


** I realise you want this to be her fault. Hell it is always the woman’s fault, right?**

What planet do you live on? And how many times do I have to post that I am a woman?

If it’s meanspirited to expect people to actually be there for their kids during the holidays, oh well. None of the articles cited say why she didn’t have custody, nor does it say whether or not she was allowed to be with them for Christmas. It’s possible that she wasn’t allowed around her kids, and it’s equally possible that she decided getting laid in Oregon was more important.

Where did she FIND Oregon Man, anyway? She’s in the middle of a custody battle but she has time to cruise for a guy halfway across the country?

It’s not her fault those kids got kidnapped and I never said it was. I’m saying she was stupid to begin with for leaving her kids with people her ex had threatened to kill in the past, knowing that her ex was a psycho. And the fact that she was cross country with her boyfriend during Christmas makes me wonder how high parenting is on her list of priorities. Maybe she’s exhibited behavior like this in the past and that’s why she doesn’t have custody now.

I’m not going to get on either side of this one but…

Yesterday while driving home from work I saw the Amber alert flash up the details about this case. 91 Red Ford Explorer Georgia tag…License Plate # …

We just now have gotten those flashing billboards type deals that show the Amber alerts and this was the first one I had seen.

So I’m driving on home praying that whoever the kid/kids are on the alert are safe and that they will be found and all of a sudden a red Ford Explorer with a GA tag comes whizzing by me.

Freaked me the hell out.

I sped up and thought that surely there was no way in hell it was the same deal, but I wanted to be sure. You never know.

I got closer and realized it was the wrong license plate #.

But there for a few minutes my heart was racing.

I’m glad the other 3 kids are safe.

On the net?

I thought he’d threatened to kill her at one point as well - heck, from one quote I read, him threatening to kill people was pretty common. What I didn’t read was that he’d threatened to kill the kids before. Now if he had threatened to kill her, then why would the kids have been any better off with her? Secondly, if he’d threatened to kill people a lot and not actually done anything, perhaps he wasn’t taken at his word?

Well, If nobody else is gonna say it…Is it just me, or did that freak look like somone out of the movie Deliverence…or Altoona. The picture I saw screamed “Inbred”.

I really hope the guy (barely) survives prison to be executed.

Oh, wait…this is the pit, so…I really hope the motherfucker gets his ass reamed on a daily basis by Big Daddy down in cell 5.


Aries28, I bet that guy had all sorts of people taking a really close look at him…must have been an interesting ride home for him.

SnoopyFan, it’s possible that this family doesn’t celebrate Christmas. There are a lot of people in this country, whether because they’re of a different religion or no religion, that don’t make a big deal out of “the holidays.” I had a good friend growing up who always spent the night with my family on Christmas Eve because it was her parents’ anniversary and they always took a vacation together as a couple, without the kids. I don’t think your outrage should be amplified just because it was Christmas.

There are too many things about the whole situation that nobody knows for blame to be placed on anyone except the murdering kidnapper. I can, without any doubt, say that I don’t think the mother intended for this to be the outcome and that she will probably spend the rest of her life in a guilt-ridden, devastated hell, whether she deserves it or not.

SnoopyFan this is a vile, nasty attack on a woman who has suffered an unimaginable loss. If I were you I’d be ashamed of myself.

And, maybe I’m missing something in the articles I’ve read–but does it actually say anywhere that the mother was or was not around for Christmas? Christmas Day was over two weeks ago now, and this all just happened this past Wednesday.

On a final note, I’m a single mom and my boys stay over at my parents house once a week. As such, I am deeply offended by the implication that leaving your children for a short amount of time in the care of relatives who know and love them is “abandonment”. I don’t abandon my kids when they’re staying with their grandparents, and fuck the hell out of anyone who says I do.

Wait a second.

If the mother didn’t have custody, who did? Obviously, I don’t understand “custody.”

SnoopyFan, you are doing some serious accusing with having much in the way of facts. Does it matter how she met Oregon man? Does it matter that it’s Christmas? You seem to be looking for excuses to spew vitriol on this woman, and any time one of those excuses is brought into question, you simply move on to something else.



That guy looks like me (a little). I was worried about getting pulled over yesterday, “OK, buddy where are the 3 kids?”

“In the trunk…I mean, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Peeler’s parents.

[hijack]The HELL you would. It’s tougher than shit to get into New Zealand.[/hijack]