It’s been a good day for the BNP! 2 Euro seats and lots of money to spend on spreading their racist propoganda.
Nick Griffin, the leader of the BNP,, was elected in the North West. I was going to quote the worst parts of that article, but I’d need to quote the whole thing, really.
And he’s just been on Sky claiming that most racism is directed against white people, and that British society will collapse within 7 years.
He doesn’t seem like a nice guy, does he? Seems just a teeny bit racist, even though he’s actually trying to seem, um whiter than white when it comes to racism, and older articles paint him in a much worse light.
Compare him to the other winner, though, and he seems like a saint:
Andrew Brons, elected in the Yorks and Humberside region. (That’s a pretty biased source, so here’s a more neutral one for some of those claims).
A former leader of the unashamedly racist and violent National Front. While on an NF march where slogans included ‘white power’ and ‘death to Jews,’ Brons told an Asian police officer that he was ‘an inferior being.’
This man is now an official MEP.
It shocked me how much this upset me - I almost cried. It shouldn’t have been that surprising, as the BNP have been increasing in popularity over the last few years and have had a couple of local councillors* before (my neighbours - who I considered good friends - voted for the one who got in in Grays, Essex a few years ago). But Brons is worse than I expected. Far worse.
Of course, part of the fault might be in the system whereby MEPs are elected. If voters had been voting for individuals, then they might have heard more about Brons, who clearly is a total fucking Nazi; as it is, they could only vote for the party. I don’t doubt that some of the BNP voters were racist, but not all - at least, not so racist that they’d be up for shouting ‘death to Jews.’
My only hope is that they fuck up so monumentally that they’re shown for the crazy, racist arseholes they are.
*Councillors for a small area, like a part of a town. They’re called district, borough or city councillors, but perform the same role either way.