Kinda. Whilst sitting here eating my breakfast of Fruity Pebbles and cold mushroom pizza from Papa John’s, I have the classic good news/bad news issues to put forth.
The good news? I got a new job. My last one was really sucking. 90% o fmy job was thoroughly unenjoyable and out of my skillset. My boss was awful, she had neither a clue nor the desire to use her people effectively. I was tired of the drive and the giant corporate setting. But, I went searching and found a fantastic job that matched everything I was looking for. The commute time is cut in half, I never have to hit a highway. Instead of having to go inside the perimeter (in Atlanta, this instantly means heavy traffic), my big traffic obstacle now is being the 5th car at a 4-way stop. My boss is laid back and believes that smart people can handle themselves. I make more money for more desirable work. I get to travel minimally but to really great cities including a place that will plop me pretty close to Wrigley field.
The bad news? It’s not like I’ve had free time to post recently anyway, but their company filters block the SDMB. And with a really active and awesome 16 month at home I don’t really have the time to read and post to this board anymore. I’m keeping my membership open only in the hopes I can pop in every now and then. But, for all intents and purposes, my time here is almost completely kaput.
Thanks to everyone that appreciated some small segment of my posts. And, I appreciate everyone that made me laugh, helped me learn something about some oddball subject, and for generally providing me with consistent entertainment for the last 7 years.
throws herself on the ground, clutches Mully’s ankles
Congrats on the new job – we miss you in the Apprentice thread (though StarvingButStrong has been doing a weekly scorecard that’s very interesting – not as funny as the Raj Report, but interesting) … um …
Glad you’re gonna maintain your membership; hope to see you around occasionally.
twicks, self-appointed president of the Mully Fan Club (who’s been posting a hell of a lot less herself since landing The Job Of Her Dreams three weeks ago)
You know, there are ways to get around filters like that…but if you were caught, I suppose that would be a bad thing, but then you would have oodles of times to post while you were on unemployment.
Well, I’m glad it’s only “kinda”. We do miss you and the Raj Ratings, but you have inspired others to step up to the plate and think outside the box with their own ratings, and that’s really a win-win for us all.
[hijack]P.S. I got an awesome new job, too! Hanging out at the Apprentice thread must be good for one’s career! [/hijack]
Mully, you can’t leave – I just got back! And I came back because of intelligent witty posters like you. Dang, this bums me out. But I know you’ll be back . . . the pull is too strong to resist. In the meantime, be well and enjoy the heck out of that “Real Life” you’re having.