Werewolf a game Part 2 (this time with MAFIA!)

Ok, I got the Mods blessing as well as **RT’s ** to start the next round of play.

If you are not already familiar with the game, be sure to check out the previous thread to familiarise yourself with the basics.

I am thinking this one will be Mafia based, but if there are enough people signing up to play I will possibly add in some werewolves and other goodies.

Sign up in this thread and make sure that your PM is turned on because that is how I will contact you with a confirmation and your game character.
I figure we should give the whole thing 3 days or so to allow players to sign up, but if we hit 40 players before the 3 days are up I will end the sign in period early since I think 40 is the max this game can handle.



I’m in. Hopefully I’ll last longer than one day this time.

Ooh, can I play?

Sign me up!!!

Okay, I know I gave up my earlier ‘reservation’ :wink: But based mostly on how the first game has turned out, I’m going to commit to #2.

What are some of the usual details of the Mafia variant? Does the action take place in an italian Chicago neighborhood?

Maybe I’ll be the mild-mannered accountant who lives alone and doesn’t talk much when he goes down to the bar.


Count me in

If he’s in, I’m in. Emain address is in profile.

I would also like to add…this game can take a long time,maybe 2 months,please think ahead and don’t join if you are gonna be away for an extended vacation or what not.
I was thinking maybe add a mandatory post rule? Say at least one post every third day(unless you have express written consent from NAF1138) or something along those lines to avoid the lurking strategy. What do ya’ll think?

Don’t do anything rash Winston,no hard feelings eh?

I’d like to play.


Yeah, I think a madatory posting rule is a good idea. Everyone has to post at least 3 times a “game day”. What they post is up to them.

I am thinking that the Days will be 5 real time days or until a majority lynch vote has been reached, and that nights will be a maximum of 2 real time days long. So we can keep the game moving.

I would definitely like to play. I have turned on PM and look forward to hearing about the beginning of the game.

Thanks for continuing the festivities, NAF1138!

Okay - I’m never far from a net connection, even on vacation really, so that shouldn’t be a problem for me.

Definitely count me in!

RT did a fantastic job running the last game and this one will be a rousing success, NAF1138, if you do even half as good a job as he did.That said, a couple other things that might add to the enjoyment of the game,after the day is done,players may need to be reminded that it is now night and no strategizing is allowed(maybe a direct post saying so at the end of each day).Along the same lines,reminders to observers not to put in opinions(thats what the forbidden thread is for,assuming there is gonna be one).
I also have a question for RT and NAF1138 ,was your, and is your, role assignment random?

Damn,this is fun already,can’t wait to get started!

I definitely want to play. Email addy is in my profile. Coooooooooooool!

Good point, don’t talk strategy at night. And observers should keep posts to the designated observation threads.

I will list a complete set of rules for this game once we have a full player roster, but it will be just about the same as RT’s, maybe a tweak here or there.
And yeah, I am going to make the role assignments random. And I will set up a google group for the mafia.

Question: Will the Mafia members be allowed to discuss on their private board during the “day”?


Count me in. I’ll send you an email.

I am in please.