I’ve got permission to do this, so no need to report my post.
Ok. A game of Werewolf, also known as Mafia. All players will be sorted into two teams - Townspeople or Werewolves. The aim of the game is to kill the entire opposing team. The Werewolves are told who all the other Werewolves are. The Townspeople, however, are unaware of who is on their side and who is not (with a couple of exceptions).
There are two stages to the game. The first stage is Night; during the night, the Werewolves discuss amongst themselves which one of the Townspeople they will kill. Once they’ve reached a consensus, the player concerned is killed and the Day stage begins. During the day, all players discuss (in this thread and openly) which player they think is a Werewolf, who will then be lynched. Since the Werewolves can pass as humans during the day, the Werewolves also get to vote in this stage; They are a minority however, and so may not easily lead the group. In addition, the Werewolves must be careful not to act too in accordance, lest the Townspeople figure out that they have a plan of attack between them.
There may also be additional roles to play, characters with special skills; for instance, the Seer, on the side of the Townspeople, who can investigate one other person during the Night stage and discover whether they are a Werewolf or not. I’ll assign these extra roles if I get enough players.
So! If you’re interested, post and say. I’ll give you roles at random once enough people have joined. You’ll need to post an email address for you as well, since Werewolf discussion at night will be done through email (and so be kept secret from the Townspeople), and also so that I can tell you your roles and any information you might discover in secret.
If you’ve got questions, please feel free to ask. I’ve run a game of this a couple of times on another board, so I have some experience and I should be able to answer them for you.
The game seems heavily weighed towards the “attacking” team. If they play correctly, the “defending” team has almost no chance to win, save through blind luck.
Yeah, how are the townspeople supposed to have the slightest clue who is and who isn’t a werewolf? The werewolves know who their enemy is, right? What evens it out for the other side?
What Ogre said. You do need to think strategically, and some of the extra roles are helpful.
In addition, the amount of Werewolves is also smaller than the amount of Townspeople. Also, when someone is killed, I’ll tell you what role they were playing. If it turns out to be another Townsperson, and some people were pushing heavily to kill them… suspicion may fall.
No, the evil side is much smaller. There are equations to determine group sizes based on the total number of players, but usually it’s ~10 good vs 2 bad.
I’ve played this game in person, with about 12 or so people. The ratio of Mafia to Townsfolk is 1:2 or 1:3, depending on what variants are used. We used a Sheriff (equivalent to the Seer) and a Doctor, who could protect one player from death per night. Anyone could claim any profession they wanted, but no one was allowed to reveal their card which told the true profession.
The strategy lies in convincing people to agree with you and figuring out who to trust. In person, you can try to read people’s body language, but that won’t work here.
Most definitely in. I’ve considered running this here, but it didn’t seem like the mods would approve. Glad to see they’re cool with it. May I ask what site you play at?