Werewolf - a game.

Also, may I suggest setting up a Google group for the mafia discussion? It’s very easy, secure, and much simpler than doing it via email. You can also open it up afterwards so the town can read the mafia’s discussions.

Count me in. My email address is in my profile (or soon will be, if it isn’t).

Stares at the moon out her living room window

Sounds like fun. I wanna play.

Sign me up.

Good idea. I’ve set one up and i’ll send the address to all Werewolves. The forum I used to play this on allowed pms, so it was a bit easier in that regard. Sadly, it’s now defunct, thanks to an overreacting mod (nothing to do with me, though :wink: ). I’ve been jonesing for a good game, so I thought i’d start one up here.

I make 15 players so far. That’s enough for a game, but in case anyone else wants to play i’ll leave it open until… let’s say 6 p.m. my time (that’s in exactly 5 hours from this post, so check the time stamp to work it out).

Players so far;
Richard Parker
Suburban Plankton

Im interested, but would my timezone difference disqualify me?

on second read, you yourself are UK, but most other respondants appear to be US

Excellent. In that case, I’ll play. Heh heh.

I’d like to join. This sounds like fun. My email address is winston_smith_@hotmail.com

The “day” cycle tends to last for a week or more, so there ought to be plenty of time fo interaction with players from all over the globe. I regularly play with Brits, Danes, Australians, Germans, etc.

in that case sign me up Carl_A_Norris@Hotmail.com

Ok, the final player list is;

Richard Parker
Suburban Plankton
One And Only Wanderers
smiling bandit
Winston Smith

18 all together. I’ll stick in some extra roles so we don’t have just hordes of basic Townspeople and Werewolves. Once i’ve emailed everyone i’ll start things off here.

Woohoo! How do you plan to address the issue of keeping non-players from posting in the game thread? On other boards, that’s accomplished by giving the narrator moderator powers for that thread, but that’s obviously not feasible here. Game integrity is fairly important, as it ruins games when spectators chime in and say “JSexton is obviously lying! Look, back on page 3 he said this, and on page 17 he said something else!”

Is a strongly worded post from you enough? Will the SDMB moderators take offense?

Hmm. I suppose it depends on whether posting in here to upset the game counts as being a jerk or not, which would probably incur a polite unofficial warning.

I don’t think there’ll be that much of a problem, though. Anyone interested enough in the game to be following it along probably isn’t going be evil enough to try and ruin it. :wink:

Don’t mind me, I’m just subscribing to this thread so I’ll remember to check it.

I’m just waiting for everyone to be ready and happy before we start, then i’ll kick off the first Day phase.

You want Dopers to be happy? Crap. This is going to take a while. :smiley:

If you haven’t finalized yet (and it sounds like you have), I’d like in, since I only just saw this thread. Email’s in my profile.

You again! You’re stalking me, aren’t you? Every time I turn around, there you are!

OMG, paranoid already…

Burn the witch! Burn the witch!

Wait, have we started?

It’s from here. The Captain knows what I’m talking about. :wink: