What a cool place, dude.

If aliens were to come to visit, what would they think of Earth, its many peoples, and its many cultures?

I just hope they don’t decide to visit France first. They would probably decide to blow up Earth in order to put an intergalatic highway through :slight_smile:

Why must you assume that aliens don’t also have a variety of cultures and people? And why must a quarter of your posts be about aliens?

Cuz he’s DeLerious about aliens? :smiley:

LOL . I hate to admit it wolfman but my experience of the French leads me to believe you may have a point.

I bet they would find it disturbing how half the world is starving and diseased and poor. How the children run around half-naked and uneducated, sick and suffering. How families watch most of their children die of starvation while they sip on their first bowl of slop in weeks. They would see all this and then see how food and resources are so wasted in other places. See how in some places there are holidays celebrating the vaste amount of food. When people eat and stuff themselves and throw aways leftovers. Where comedians destroy food, a necessity of LIFE that some humans live without daily. (Gallagher is pretty funny though with that sledge-o-matic) When people leave water running and think nothing of it, while others carry water from the same pond they shit in, in a rusted leaking bucket to the family to drink.
Man I bet they would be very confused…

**If aliens were to come to visit, what would they think of Earth, its many peoples, and its many cultures? **

They probably wouldn’t notice.

      • On the other hand, what if aliens turn out to be as petty and vicious as humans, but they just know how to build fast spaceships? From what I gather, most people enthusiastic about alien contact seem to expect them to end humanity’s problems. And there’s a few different ways to go about doing that. . . . - MC

We’d make great pets.

Yer pal,

Three months, one week, four days, 9 hours, 54 minutes and 47 seconds.
4096 cigarettes not smoked, saving $512.06.
Life saved: 2 weeks, 5 hours, 20 minutes.

They wouldn’t know how to relate to us at all.

That’s what makes them alien.

Maybe it’s Art Bell, posting here under a pseudonym?