I’m looking for a list of contraception devices, drugs, techniques, etc. that prevent fertilization. That may sound redundant, but apparently many “contraceptives” actually allow “conception” and then clean up after the fact. I’m looking for “true contraceptives” which prevent conception, and have a low-to-no probability of causing harm to a fertilized egg which results if the “true contraceptive” fails.
I can think of several:
Abstinence: Obviously no conception occurs there, but not very satisfying if you get my drift.
Barrier methods: condoms, sponges, diaphragms. Any others?
Any pills or patches or the like that are truly and only contraceptive?
If you come up with a contraceptive that serves a dual role (i.e., it harms or otherwise causes conditions difficult for survival of any fertilized eggs or fetuses which result from failure of the contraceptives primary purpose of preventing conception), can you identify it?
Oh yea, what about IUD’s, Depo-Provera, isn’t there also some new ring thing. (<–I’m not sure if those are what your looking for or not). Also there’s sterilization (sp?) Vasectomy, Tubal Ligation, Hysterectomy (kinda extreme for BC though). If you do a google search on Birth Control I’m sure you can come up with loads more.
Also you mention techniques, one would be pulling out (coitus interuptus I think it’s called, or something like that)
I know people are going to want to visciously disagree, but if the man has control, withdrawl is a perfectly viable option for avoiding making perfectly viable little humans. I personally, i have a 0% conception rate with withdrawl and i have used this technique MANY times with a number of different women. The key is to know when you do and dont have solid control. If im feeling like i “might” slip up, then back to the old barrier technique.
BTW, flamesuit on.
On second thought, i have never actully gotten anyone pregnant (nor have i ever whated to), so maybe im fertile:smack: —nevermind.
That method isn’t foolproof, howeever, homercles. preejaculate fluid can and often does contain small quantities of sperm, though nothing like the numbers in the final product, as it were. Still, the risk is there.
Also–in regard to the second part of your question. Birth control pills are unlikely to harm a developing fetus if they do fail. This includes emergency “morning after” pills.
Im well aware of your (and others make the same argument) argument, but you said it–“preejaculate.” There are no sperm in the prostate which releases the fluid (your “preejaculate”) that coats the urethrea (and protects the sperm from harsh acidities) during an erection. Yet, you are right in that there are miniscule numbers of sperm in the fluid SHORTLY BEFORE ejaculation. This is part of what im talking about with “control.” Its all about the kegels.
If by “shortly before” you mean the preceding 15-30 minutes then yeah. If you mean anyting less then no. Some sperm are present in the pre-ejacualte, which as you point out mostly comes from the prostate and associated glands. But it is only mostly. Some of the fluid comes form the testes and does contain active sperm.
The length of the stimulatory period prior to orgasm largely controls when active sperm are released. A five minute whoa-to-go quickie is unlikely to result in release much before ejacualtion. Prolonged foreplay or an hour spent watching pornos can easily result in pre-ejaculate and sperm release before you’ve got your trousers off. Unless you only practice wham-bam-thank you mam intercourse or are claiming truly superhuman control and an ability to sense an orgasm half an hour before it arrives then the risk is still there.
“The sperm travel through the vas deferens and are stored at its upper end until mixed with the secretions of the seminal vesicles and prostate just prior to ejaculation.” [my emphasis]
Note: it seems that my post went in simultaneously with the all to common sys overload (read as unoptimized for traffic db) and the link to my source seems to have been corrupted. Sometimes it works, others not…i will repost when this forum regains its legs. :mad:
IUDs do not prevent ovulation - they prevent implantation of a fertilized egg. (And it’s probably more accurate to say that most rather than some oral contraceptives prevent ovulation.)
That’s a patient education sheet you linked to. Your assertion relies entirely on the word “just” being correct in your cite, and meaning “mere seconds”.
Pre-ejaculate production and leakage does NOT signal ejaculatory inevitability. Any foreplay can cause pre-ejaculate to be produced. That means it can be present prior to insertion. And there can elapse anywhere from seconds to minutes to hours to days between pre-ejaculate production and actual ejaculation.
Withdrawal is not reliable contraception, even for the most iron-willed of men.
Well, Qadgop, i dont care if you are a real clinician/md or not. Dimes to dollars youre a family clincian. My scientific training (yes, that means phd) tells me otherwise. Care to wager?
Reminder: your “rep” is on the line.
I assert you are a clinician. Care to challenge a real scientist?
Yes, Blake, thaks for showing how god damn dumb you are. Not a single one of those links/quotes addresses the fact that sperm does not become a part semem until just before ejaculation. Man, you are SERIOUSLY stupid! Thanks for sharing, now sit down and SHUT UP!