What are the points in UserCP for Infractions?

I hadn’t noticed it before, but I see a column designated as points under Latest Infractions. All of my seemingly many infractions have 0 points listed, so was wondering if this is actually used and if so what 0 points means (or if there are other numerical values that means something).

IIRC, they’re not used on the SDMB. It’s a feature of VBulletin.

That was my guess when I saw all the 0 values, but figured I’d ask as I hadn’t noticed it before. Could have been there for years but I only go into that section when I’m checking to see when my paid subscriptions are due. Another thread got me thinking about it and saw the points thing when I was checking it out.

Yep, I just tested it by play-giving you a warning, XT. Our warnings are just that: warnings. No points are accrued.

We don’t collect them to win valuable prizes any more?

Ok, good to know. I saw the column and didn’t remember it from before. That probably says more about my attention level than when or how long it’s been there though. :stuck_out_tongue: Appreciate the info though.

Are you sure you’ve done enough testing of the system? Perhaps you should play-suspend him for a month, then play-ban him. :stuck_out_tongue:

XT’s play-warning is total play-BS! Let’s play-riot!

You’re out of points, man, you’d better be careful! :eek:

YOU guys don’t. WE earn points toward trips to Costco for each warning, banning and suchlike.

I got a pair of trollskin jackboots just last month.

So, does Marley get to own a Costco for banning the whole board?

No, he had to unban them. Lotsa plusses followed by lotsa minuses.

From an accounting standpoint, it was a wash.

Wow. When I want to take a trip to Costco, I just grab my membership card and go. Do they have you guys chained to your computer desks or something?

Only Idle Thoughts. :wink:

Where are these Latest Infractions in User CP? Being squeeky-clean and a designated bootlicking suckup and all that, I don’t believe I’ve ever received an Official whatchamacallit. Does the Latest Infractions link only appear if you actually have some to examine?


Yeah, you don’t see it until and unless you receive warnings.

ETA: If you ask nicely Jonathan can probably give you a few so you can check it out though. :slight_smile:

Glad to help if needed. Or you could freelance!

Right. Infractions on the user CP are only visible to the poster in question and mods. If you don’t have any you won’t even see the tab.

That’s according to the automated system we have had since mid-2009. Before that we kept track of warnings manually, so those won’t appear in any case.