What are your worst personality traits?

I was browsing through the Wikipedia article on psychopathy just now (as one does) and noticed something scarily familiar in the Hare Psychopathy Checklist, under the “lifestyle” section.

Now, I certainly don’t think I’m a psychopath (I don’t fit the other categories), but yeah, that seems to sum up the most troublesome parts of my personality, and the roots of all my problems, pretty well.

What are your issues with yourself? You don’t have to pick them from a list, feel free to express yourself in as fluent prose as you want.

I lack the ability to forgive myself for the objectionable people I’ve been. I hold my past against myself more ruthlessly than anyone I may have inconvenienced, and it holds me back. That, in turn, keeps me from being more and better for the people I actually engage day to day.

I wish I were better at admitting I am wrong in disagreements with my wife. I can be too damned stubborn. I work on it.

But don’t tell her I admitted to it.

Lack of order
Weak connection between short-term actions and long-term goals
Low self-image (NOT low self-esteem)

I’m too honest, forthright.
I share too much.
I know I’m doing bad things and I don’t stop.
Impatient with my precious son.

Way too independent.

Not emotionally invested in anything (which can be good and bad).


This, exactly, plus newly developing tendencies toward impatience and reclusiveness.

My main one is that I’m very shy, almost to the point of being afraid to interact with people. (well, I may be exaggerating a bit, but I am very shy.)

From the list in the OP’s article, I have:
Lack of realistic, long-term goals
Irresponsibility (sometimes)
Poor behavioral controls (sometimes)
Early behavioral problems (and how!)

I’m way too humble.

I have about 3/4 of these traits. I qualify as a psychopath!

I’m incapable of self acceptance and self forgiveness to the degree I need to be.

Pretty much all my other issues stem from that.