What bad things might happen if same-sex couples get married?

If I’m reading you correctly your basic point is that marriage is for having kids and same sex couples can’t do so? This has been brought up plenty of times before and it’s got a few problems as an argument:

  1. This is an argument for banning anyone from getting married if they are infertile, don’t want to have kids, are too old to have kids, etc. That includes straight people. You’re in the military, would you tell a decorated combat veteran who lost his testicles to an IED that he can’t get married?

  2. Same sex couples can and do have kids. Lesbians are still women and they can still get pregnant, for example by artificial insemination. Gay men are quite capable of getting a woman pregnant. And couples can adopt.

  3. Even if they chose not to have kids, so what? Lots of people don’t have kids. The lesbian couple who lived across the street from me since I was a little kid never had children together and I can’t see what damage their lack of children has caused anyone, either me personally or society as a whole.

Yeah, but Scheider collapses and dies from a heart attack at the end. One can only hope for a similar fate for magellan’s pathetic “arguments” in these SSM threads.

I shudder to think what costa’s post looked like BEFORE editing for spelling and grammar…


This actually helps me. You really are a dumb fuck! You insist that I provide something, and I’m bothering you! You start two pit threads about me, and I’m bothering you? What a maroon.

And since when is question a posters stated assertions “threadshitting”. So, come one, bucko, man up and support that shit YOU ASSERTED in GD.

I know I am beaten to the punch here, but Wow! You edited that? I’m glad I didn’t see the “before” edition.

Pardon me, would you have any Grey Poupon?

I don’t know or care about cwthree other’s Pit thread, but I’d like to see magellan answer the question in this one. Probably because I’ve asked him the same question numerous times myself.

It’s not a hard question, magellan. No secret police are going to arrest you in the night based on your answer. There is no financial impact. Indulge us.

You’re the one who’s been pushing a separate-but-equal “solution” to the issues surrounding SSM as though it’s the coolest thing since sliced bread, and I’m the one who’s guilty of double-dickery?*

Look, I’m sorry if you’re insulted that I piggy-backed your last pitting on the one about my dog. I’d been meaning to give you your own pitting, but to be honest, someone else pitted you fairly recently and it didn’t seem worthwhile. But as long as I was on about the dog, I figured I could work you in. The dog doesn’t seem to mind.

*I just looked, and there’s still only one there. You should contact your insult vendor and get your money back.


mmm…Roy Scheider as Bob Fosse. What a man!

magellan01 you are a fucking idiot. Zero comprehension. Prolly didn’t even understand that I just insulted you.

How about you and those GPS chips that work without batteries, or any power source whatsoever? Who’s the idiot?

lol WTF are you talking about, dipshit?

Uh, you? :smiley:

This, dipshit.

See, I never said “without any power source whatsoever”… those are your words.

And yes, without the battery. Every phone has a Li-ion battery in it for the clock, and it can provide plenty of power for the microphone to function.


You’re at least as stupid as magellon01. I bet with practice, or with more posts, you could convince me that you are dumber than he is, tho, so please keep trying.

What does this have to do with anything we were talking about?

Did you provide a cite in the other thread? That the evil GOVERNMENT can track you via cell phone, even without a battery? Waiting.

Same question