what brand of panties did jessica alba wear in the new GQ?

My lady really wants some of those panties, and she won’t stop bugging me about it (don’t tell her, but i wouldn’t mind them either) What brand are these panties. I don’t have the issue and i don’t want to buy it. I’m sure one of you fine gentlemen has it, and i’m sure there is a listing in there somewhere of what brand of panties they are. Thank you.

You might ask for some help from the folks posting to this thread in Cafe Society. The general consensus there, however, is not terribly complimentary.

In most magazines these days, a little listing in the back of the mag called “photo credits” lists not just the photographer, but the hairdresser, the makeup artist, the leg shaver, and the clothing credits, in excruciating detail. What, you didn’t buy the GQ in question? I hesitate to call you a cheapskate, but…

Hell, if you don’t want to buy it, would there be anything wrong with going to a drugstore and just looking at the last little part with the clothing credits?

why thank you for not answering my general question.

We’re giving you the tools so that you can answer your own question. We don’t know the answer, but we know of a way you might be able to obtain the answer. My way doesn’t even involve spending any money–just gas or calories or whatever method you choose to get to a retailer where you can find GQ.


Looks like she picked 'em:

“Yeah. That is so funny…they didn’t want me to wear the granny panties, but I said, 'If I’m going to be topless, I need to wear granny panties,” she explained.

Try this thread.

Last time I went into hospital I had to wear a pair of those. Shall I ring the hospital for you? :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry to break the streak of smartass answers, but according to Phase42 in the Cafe Society thread, they’re La Perla Black Label culottes.

“Get out of my bed, Jessica Alba! Those panties look hideous!”

Yeah, I could say that. I could say it tonight.

“Get out of my panties, Jessice Alba! My panties look hideous!”

Eh, maybe not.

No clickable link because of the subject matter, but from what I can find of La Perla Black Label on a quick search (official site: laperla.com. shopping site: http://www.barenecessities.com/search.asp?drv=769&mode=1), 1) this specific style is no longer available. (note: shame. I’m one of the people to post in the CS thread, and generally approve of what the panties do. Namely, wish I could remove the panties. The sign of any good underwear. The sign of bad being, of course, wanting to leave because the mood is ruined), and 2) la perla is expensive stuff. The Bare Necessities link has panties going from $38 (at 30% off!) to $112. Bras from $96 to $220.

Dude, chill. The very first response to your question was a link to a thread with your answer in it. Plus, links to the pictures of Jessica Alba, which is a good thing, if you liked the panties enough to want to buy them.